Sunday, June 15, 2014

Cookout With Friends

(Carson City, NV) Hi 79 Lo 48 -- Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there.

It wasn't as cold as the night before, just great sleeping weather. It warmed up nicely, but got windier later in the afternoon.

The NASCAR race starts at 10am here in the west and that barely gives me time to get out of bed. :)  George came over to watch the race with Jim and I went to his place to meet with Linda. I'm working on a T-Shirt project and she's helping me. I love wearing T-shirts, but there are some that I don't wear much but would look nice on a quilt topper. I bought a sheet and am now putting a backing on the cut out T-shirt designs. I don't have many now, but I can add more to it later. Linda is a quilter so it's great to get her help in putting together the topper.

About the time the race ended we came back to our place for a cookout. Jim grilled some chicken and Linda and I made some side dishes. It was great getting the grill out, it's been awhile. We also had some grilled brats for dinner tonight.

After our friends left we watched TV while I worked on the topper and crocheted.

See you tomorrow.


owensontheroad said...

That's such a good idea to use old tees to make a quilt topper. Using those memories!

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Ambitious project Dee. I've seen some quilts made from Tshirts and they are great!

Dizzy-Dick said...

I am a race car fan, but not circle racing. I have gone to and always watch the NHRA Top Fuel Drag races. They shortened the track from a quarter mile down to 1000 feet and they still reach speeds of 330 mph.

Phyllis said...

Lots in the family are NASCAR fans. They go to Dover, DE and down to Bristol, VA. I never caught that bug.

Daughter is a quilter. I don't sew at all.

Gosh- thinking I don't do much of anything!

Glad you are still enjoying the RV life.

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