Saturday, June 21, 2014

Communication Breakdown -- Baseball Game

(Carson City, NV) Hi 84  Lo 50 -- Today is the longest day of the year. We'll be back into winter before long.

Last night Jim went with George to a baseball game in Reno. While he was gone I went to Walmart to pick up something for my crocheting projects. On the spur of the moment I decided to get my hair cut at the Walmart beauty salon. It's getting too long on top and it's really hot. I love my summer cuts.

I told the gal I wanted it cut to about two inches in length. She sat me down facing the room, not the mirror. I usually get a clipper cut rather than scissors for my summer cut. She gets the clipper ready, I'm not thinking anything more about it and she takes less then five minutes to do my head, then turns me around to this:

I let out a scream, which isn't something I normally would do, and kept telling the lady I wanted it cut to two inches. She showed me the clipper and the guard had the number two on it. Now I'm not a beautician, but even I know those numbers on the clipper guards do not represent inches. A number two clipper guard cuts down to less than 1/2 inch. I guess she wasn't used to doing clipper cuts. She was very apologetic and only charged me half the price. I was so worried about what Jim would think, but he doesn't mind it at all, so no divorce is in our future. :)  Besides, it will grow back, and it's a lot cooler. Plus I don't have to fight with my two cow licks in the mornings. In fact, I can put away my comb for quite a while. Lesson learned... be sure to clearly explain what you want before getting your hair cut!

Jim sent me this "selfie" he took with George at the game. 

He took this pic of downtown Reno after the game. Everything is so colorfully lit up after dark.

Today we went over to George and Linda's for a visit, but otherwise didn't do much of anything.

See you tomorrow.


Betty Graffis said...

Oh Dee,
As I started to read this, I wanted to cry with you and by the time I got to the end, I was laughing!!! You really took it well under the circumstances.

DreamCatcher said...

I think it's cute. I would probably freak out too if I had mine cut way shorter than....oh, wait that did happen to me once. I did freak out and hated it! At least it's hair and it will grow.

Bill and Nancy said...

I have said on more than one occassion that I wish I could just shave my head!! Wonder why it is OK for men to have no hair, but not OK for women?!?!??? Sure looks cool:o)

Jessica Riker said...

Lol Dee! But you do look cool. Maybe it will grow on you! Hahaha (pun intended) We will probably get to see it in person. You may still be growing it out next February!!

Jim and Sandie said...

I really like my hair short but that is even too short for me. Thank goodness hair will grow and you won't need another haircut for a long, long, long time.

Gail Houle said...

You have a wonderful attitude :) Hair grows faster when it's short anyhow, so a month from now, it'll be just where you want it.
I think it's cute.

Donna B. McNicol said...

Yup, been there, done that. Just be very aware of how easily your scalp will sunburn till the hair grows back!

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Nothing like a crew cut just in time for summer! :cD

Karen and Al said...

She only charged half price? That was big of her.

Vera said...

My daughter and I actually like that hair cut. You are looking good!

Jim and Judy said...

My hair wasn't that short in "Boot camp!" It looks good on you though and just think of the money you will be saving on haircuts for the next year.

Bob and Jo said...

Jo said it doesn't look that bad, that she would look a whole lot worse if someone did that to her hair. She admires you for posting the pictures. Bob says at least it will be a long time till your next haircut :-)

Unknown said...

Reminds me of my 9 months of being bald during chemo. You know, if it were fashionable, I would shave my head as it's very cool and comfortable. I keep mine at about 3" long now.
You've got a great attitude and as my ex used to say "the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is 3 weeks"
In this case it may be more like 6 weeks but you're's only hair and it grows!!

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