Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Movie – Spring Cleaning, Inside and Out

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 84 Lo 59 -- We’re trying to catch up on some movies we've been wanting to see. One that was on our list is Philomena, so we went to Lake Wales to see it on Tuesday. We both loved it. It was very touching and great acting by Dame Judy Dench. We're very glad we saw it, and highly recommend it.

While we were that far north (about 23 miles from the park) we stopped about two miles from the theater and had dinner at the Sizzler Grill, a well-known and highly regarded local restaurant. They have great food and service and we wish we would have gone there more often during the winter. They have some great early bird specials, including a 12-oz Sirloin steak that Jim got for $10.49.

We’ve been watching people leave the park. The couple next door to us won't be back next year in their fifth wheel. They had a small storage shed which had to be moved. Some guys showed up with a flat trailer and towed it away.



The guys even pulled up the long hurricane stakes.


Wednesday morning was very busy. Last year Jim and I tried washing and waxing the RV ourselves. We managed to get it done, but it was exhausting, and we feel we didn't do as good a job of waxing it as pros do. So Jim contacted Hurricane Detailing in Sebring and arranged for them to come out this morning to do a complete wash and wax job on Tumbleweed. Three guys showed up at 8:15 this morning and spent over four hours hand washing and hand waxing the whole rig.




They did a terrific job! While they were doing the outside, Jim and I did some "spring cleaning" inside. We cleaned the inside of the windows, took the window screens out and cleaned them, and moved everything around so I could vacuum the whole place. There’s not a lot of room in an RV to move things around, but we managed to clean behind everything.

Here's what our living room and kitchen looked like at one point.



I FINALLY got the afghan done I’ve been working on for a month. It’s ready to be turned in to the Linus Project on Friday. I used the cro-knit process, and I won't be doing that again for awhile. It takes a long time. It’s green (primary) and yellow on one side, and yellow (primary) and green on the other. I was thinking someone from Wisconsin might be interested in it for those cold Green Bay Packers games. The photos don’t bring out the true colors. (Click on pictures to enlarge)

Green                                 Yellow

We both did a walk today. There are more and more empty sites in the park, with more residents leaving around the beginning of April, including us. Jim has been working on lining up the parks we’ll be staying at on our trip out west.
Something weird happened today that we’ve never experienced before. The weather was gorgeous, sunny with a very light breeze. All of a sudden for a few seconds we had a gust of wind that shook the RV and knocked over our satellite dish. It was a little frightening. We think it might have been one of those small twisters you see in open fields in the summertime. It sure was powerful! (The dish survived.)

See you in three days.


owensontheroad said...

Good idea to do some spring cleaning! Our screens get so dirty, mostly on the inside. They collect so much dust! I really like how the afghan turned out.

Jim and Sandie said...

I've been trying to do some spring cleaning also. It's so not fun. But everything always looks and feels so good when it's done. We also gave up trying to wash and wax the rig ourselves. Just can't do it anymore. I figure that's money well spent. Beautiful afghan. Looks like a lot of work. Maybe some kind of microburst in your area.

Nan said...

As soon as I deep clean one thing, I turn around and it is covered with dust within a day or two. We really need someone to wash and wax our coach.

Speedy said...

I use the "Solution" on the RV and it keeps it shined up. Really easy to use and you only have to wax once a year.

New Windows - Cold Weather with SNOW?

 Shalimar, FL  (Lo  15  Hi  45)   This was basically all week This was a wild week!!  It was predicted to be a very cold snowy week and it s...