Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Luau – Baseball Game

(Avon Park, FL)  Hi 80 Lo 59 -- Saturday,  we had a Hawaiian luau at the clubhouse. They brought in two pigs and slow cooked them in the back lot. The smell was all over the park and we couldn’t wait for dinner that evening. (Click on pictures to enlarge)

Getting the pig ready.

2014-03-01 avon park luau (1)

Both of the pigs being cooked.
2014-03-01 avon park luau (5)

There was a good crowd in attendance and the food was great.
2014-03-01 hawaiin luau avon park fl (1)

Many folks decorated their tables.
2014-03-01 hawaiin luau avon park fl (2)

The whole clubhouse was decorated in an island theme.
2014-03-01 hawaiin luau avon park fl (3)

These cuties place leis around our necks
2014-03-01 hawaiin luau avon park fl (8)

The serving line.
2014-03-01 hawaiin luau avon park fl (5)

Along with a good helping of pulled pork we had a skewer of veggies, and seasoned rice. For dessert we had a cup of banana pudding with a small umbrella.
2014-03-01 hawaiin luau avon park fl (10)

Sunday we went to church and hung around home all day, and we also watched the NASCAR race. The race was in Arizona so it wasn’t till later in the day.

On Monday Jim picked up Judy's Jim and they went to Lakeland to watch the St. Louis Cardinals play the Detroit Tigers in a spring triaining baseball game. It was sunny and 80 degrees, and they had a great time.

If you click on this to enlarge it you can see an Osprey nest on top of this light tower.

This morning I went to hand bell choir practice at the church, then stopped to pick up some groceries so we have food on hand for our trip to Ft Lauderdale tomorrow. We’re getting everything stowed and secured for the trip. We'll be gone for five days.

See you in three days.


owensontheroad said...

That pig looked delicious :) Safe travels to Ft. Lauderdale!

Speedy said...

I bet those guys cooking smelled like a pig after they finished! I can smell like a pig after I mow the lawn...HE HE

Bob and Jo said...

Roast pig and spring training in great weather, nice.

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