Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekend Recap

(Fort Meade, MD) Hi 55 Lo 54 -- Well, we knew it would finally happen. We've been posting to this blog every day since sometime in 2009, and we knew the day would finally come when we missed a day. Our internet connection in the Scranton, PA area was so flakey that we decided to wait until we got to another area and post a recap of our weekend. Today we traveled 240 miles to Fort Meade, MD. We're in the military famcamp for the next 9 days, and hope to do some sightseeing of Washington, DC and Baltimore. The trip was smooth, mostly interstate, with occasional slowdowns due to construction. We have full hookups here, but no park wi-fi. However, our Verizon signal is good (finally!). We also have no satellite TV due to a tree line right behind our rig, but we pulled in all the networks from both Baltimore and DC on our rooftop antenna.

As promised, here's a recap of our weekend in the Scranton area.

Friday, Sept 20:

We went for a drive around Scranton, which is in the Pocono Mountains and has pretty views of the hills and valleys all around.  (Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)





We came across a sports bar on the way home so we stopped and picked up some wings to take home for dinner. When we got back to the RV I did a little cleaning on my car. There’s so much dirt and dust inside and out that it was getting to me. We watched some recorded TV shows. The new season starts on the networks next week so some of our favorites will be returning.

Saturday, Sept 21:

It was windy and cloudy all day. We did our morning reading and watched a few TV shows and movies. We’re trying to catch up on all the recorded shows because a lot of new ones are starting next week.

We had a dinner date planned with friends this evening, and we left early so we could take  drive to the Pocono Raceway. The trees are starting to change colors and they’re getting brighter every day.

Pocono is a huge track, 2 1/2 miles around. Most of the gates were closed, but we found one open. So of course we ignored all the signs warning us to keep out. Smile 


We snuck up close to the fence to look over the sprawling track.

There were three cars zipping around the track, follow the leader style. Apparently it was a driving school class.

It’s a loooong way from the backstretch across to the homestretch. Actually there are two backstretches. Pocono is a triangle, with three corners instead of the usual four.

After being chased out by a track employee we went on to Stroudsburg to meet up with Laurie and George. They are RV-Dreamer friends that we’ve met a couple times before. We met about halfway between our two parks for dinner.

Laurie and George.

Jim’s birthday is tomorrow (Sunday) and he likes to get a good steak dinner every year for his birthday, like I do with Lobster for mine. He’s picky about how his steaks are cooked. He chose Texas Roadhouse for tonight’s dinner, and he said it was one of the best steaks he’s ever had. I think he has a new favorite steak place. Texas Roadhouse is a national chain.

We left to go back to the RV and it started raining about half way there. It rained lightly most of the night.

Sunday, Sept 22:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jim!  My sister’s birthday is today too. They are two years apart.

It was cloudy but no rain today. It sure has cooled down, we can tell fall is in the air.  We’re leaving tomorrow for Maryland, so it’s time to do a park review.
It’s been interesting and very challenging. What did we do without phones and internet in our earlier years? The park wi-fi here is pretty much useless. And the phone signal isn’t much better. Jim received several phone calls from family today for his birthday and he couldn’t complete a conversation with any of them without the call dropping. He’s doing callbacks tomorrow night.

The park is on Lake Henry, with an address in Lake Ariel, PA. It’s good size park with many seasonal RV’s.

The view from our back window. There’s been several boats. We haven’t seen the eagles that are supposedly around this area.

The lake seen from the tent area.

Tent area.

Some views around the park.



Some of the seasonal RV’s are on the lakefront.

I’ll bet parking these RV’s was a challenge.

This park sets a new record (for us) as far as park rules. The list of rules (mostly “don’t’s”) was eight pages long! And  all around the park are SIGNS!

“Sign, sign, everywhere a sign…


…Blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind…



…Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign.”







This sign is at every site.

What’s funny is, I don’t think we’ve ever fully read a list of park rules, unless we’re looking for something specific, like rules about washing your rig or car. At least not a whole list, and surely not eight pages! If you use common sense in how you live you shouldn’t have to be told what you can and can’t do.

This is our site. We love long pull thrus that have enough room or both our car and truck .

Since we didn’t have internet, I spent most of Sunday backing up all our travels since 2010 and copying all our photos to a new external drive. I thought it would take a couple hours but it took seven. That kept me busy.

We’re back to the land of good cell service, so we can now keep the blog current again.


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Good to see you back! I agree with you about the rules, but some people need to be told again and again. 8 pages is a little much though.

Gail Houle said...

That is one heck of a lot of rules! :)

owensontheroad said...

It was so great to meet up with you guys and celebrate Jim's birthday! See you in SC!

Al and Karen said...

Al went to Lexington KY last year to re-certify his EMT card, and had dinner at Texas Roadhouse. he, too, thinks its one of the best steaks he's had in a restaurant.

Jim and Judy said...

Sorry about the missed blog entry, luckily the sun rose the next day!! I have found after missing the FIRST one the others aren't that devastating. See y'all soon.

Ruth said...

All those signs sure may you feel welcome! In Canada we have seen a number of signs at the beaches that say "no inflatable toys" can't quite figure that one out, beach balls are called beach balls for a reason!


Jim and Judy said...

One other comment; Yes, some campers are (a.) dumber than dirt, (b.) rude and/or inconsiderate, hence the need for all those reminders.

Donna W. said...

Isnt it ridiculous that you have to have all those signs sosome bozo goes "Oh I didnt know" as you said common sense and courtesy should be used, but some have none of either. Reception of a lot of different things is bad in Scranton (Sams hometown)too many mountains.
Enjoy your time in DC

Bob and Jo said...

A little 5 Man Electric Band, I like it

Every day blogging for 4 years is impressive.

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