Monday, September 16, 2013

Resting Up

(Ft. Drum, NY) Hi 55 Lo 46 -- The rain slacked off all morning then the sun came out late afternoon. It's very cool today and there's a freeze warning for tonight in some areas around us. Time to head south! :)

Today we were on our laptops most of the day, getting caught up on blogs and (me) computer games. Jim did some trip planning for our travels south, ending up in Florida in November. Our summer travels are coming to an end. It's sad but we're ready to head for warmer temperatures, and our downtime for the winter.

It was one of those 'stay in' days of doing very little. It's a great life, do what you want, when you want.

1 comment:

Dizzy-Dick said...

We all should have such a hard life (gri). May I ask how you both decide on the next destination? Sometimes my wife do not agree, but I have learned through the years to like what she does, if you know what I mean. But she is a good sport and tags along with me to places she would rather not be.

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