Friday, August 30, 2013

Waiting For the Park to Fill Up

(Epsom, NH) Hi 85 Lo 55 -- We had nothing planned so I slept later today. It was a great day to get caught up on our computer blogs and park searches for our travels. I looked up on our blog where we stayed two years ago when we were in this part of the country. It’s great having the blog to remember some of the details of previous places.

Later in the afternoon we went to Walmart for a few things and Jim found a barber and got a haircut. Traffic was a little heavy toward Concord. Tomorrow we’ll stay in and avoid the holiday traffic. The park is going to be full so we’ll be watching people arrive for the last big weekend of the summer.

Jim grilled our dinner tonight. Along with pork ribs and corn on the cob, he grilled some pineapple slices. It’s been awhile since we had grilled pineapple, and it sure was good!

I visited with the neighbors awhile then we called it a night. Jim hasn't watched a Cardinal game in almost two weeks (no satellite), so he needs to get his baseball fix. It’s going to be a laid back weekend. That’s nice once in awhile.


owensontheroad said...

I still haven't been able to sleep in past 7 am. I guess it will come. Of course I don't stay up past midnight in the chat room either! :)

Ruth Ann said...

Love the idea of keeping a Blog to remind you of where you have been. We are going fulltime in a couple years and have thought of blogging, you have given me another reason to do so. Tks. I am also enjoying reading thru your travels. Have a great time on your adventure. We can't wait!!!!

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