Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back to Normal

(Holden, ME) Hi 77 Lo 48 -- If we time our travels just right, we won't need the AC any more for this year. It's been great temperatures.

I stayed close to the PC today to watch Jim's three-hop flight home, so I could time it to pick him up when he landed at Bangor. I didn't leave the RV at all. I did do some crocheting, and of course games.

All three planes landed on time, so he didn't have any problems making his connections. I picked him up at 5:30, then we got a bite to eat before coming home. He had a great visit and enjoyed seeing all his relatives. Too bad it takes a funeral to bring families together sometimes.

We're packing up and headed to New Brunswick tomorrow. Stay tuned.


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Safe travels! Glad you're seeing another Canadian province. Too bad you didn't have time to see Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia while you're there.

Jim and Sandie said...

I had hopes our temps would be cooling down but it doesn't look like they will be for awhile yet. Enough cloud cover and breeze today so we didn't need the a/c which was really nice.

Mike and Terri said...

Glad Jim made it back okay. His on-time flights were a bonus. That's practically unheard of.

Al and Karen said...

I'll be watching you, we're planning a few days in Nova Scotia next month.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Going north you might even need a jacket.

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