Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Plans for Today Changed

(Falling Waters, WV) Hi 85 Lo 72 -- It rained all morning. :( We had planned to go on a short hike on the Appalachian Trail, and maybe check out the C&O Canal. But with a gray and dreary morning we just decided to stay in. With our travels through New England we'll have other opportunities to get on the Appalachian Trail.

I decided to get groceries, and with a Food Lion only a half mile down the road I thought I could make it there and back between rain showers. Not so, but at least we have milk and a couple of other essentials. This afternoon I read blogs and cleaned out the bedroom closets. Every time we move something drops on the floor of the clothes closet and gets stuck in the glass doors. That's all taken care of now. I also backed up some photos we've taken so far this summer. Jim worked on some travel planning and read on his Kindle.

Around 2:00 the sun came out and it was very humid. It usually is nice in the morning and rains in the afternoon, but it's been the opposite here. We're ready for our next move tomorrow morning. We're headed to Adamstown, PA, about 120 miles north of here.

I haven't mentioned lately about our 7-yr old grandson, Jack, who broke his wrist last month. He had surgery and had three pins inserted. He'll have a cast put on Monday. We're very thankful he's doing well. Also, my Mom had a good report from her heart doctor, so she's doing well too.

We'll do the usual relaxing tonight and head out in the morning. Stay tuned.


Unknown said...

Are you still enjoying living full time in your rig? We are seriously considering doing so so I am spending time exploring blogs of people who are out already living that lifestyle. Your blog is great and I am looking forward to reading more of the posts.

Jim and Judy said...

Where are you guys going to be in Sept/Oct. Judy and I are working on plans for Sept-Oct.

Tumbleweed Jim said...

Jim and Judy, we'll be at or near coastal North Carolina in Sep/Oct. Hope to see you guys. Jim

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