Sunday, July 21, 2013

Movie Day - RED2

(Dover, DE) Hi 88 Lo 73 -- We didn't have much planned today so decided to make it a movie day. We went to a cinema at the Dover Mall (right next to the Dover Downs NASCAR track) to see RED2. We both loved RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous), and we were looking forward to seeing this sequel. It was action packed and very entertaining, but we both agree it wasn't quite as good as the first one.

We had to get laundry done, so after grabbing a Subway sandwich we went a couple miles down the road and found a laundromat. It was expensive, way more than a typical laundry room in an RV park. Fortunately we don't have to use a public laundromat very often. And it's still not worth it (to us) to install a washer and dryer in the RV. 

We got home just before it started to rain. We were supposed to get a storm last night, but it went north of us. We're thinking the same thing is going to happen tonight, but at least it's cooler. 

We're on the move in the morning to New Jersey, another new state for Tumbleweed. 


Dizzy-Dick said...

The original movie always seems to be the best. We only go to the theater to see a movie once every couple of years or so, usually wait until they come on TV. Since we have Dish TV, we don't have to wait too long.

Jim and Sandie said...

We loved RED and am really looking forward to RED2. I'm hoping we can go next week. I told Jim that's what I wanted for a birthday present. We don't usually go to first runs. We wait until they get to the cheap theater or at Red Box.

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