Monday, July 15, 2013

Movie Day - Back to Shady Maple Smorgasbord

(Adamstown, PA)  Hi 94 Lo 68 -- We're finally out of the cycle of rain showers every day. Now it's just HOT! We didn't have anything planned today, so we decided to go see a movie. We headed about 10 miles away to Reading, PA to see The Lone Ranger.

It's been getting some bad reviews by the critics, but we enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun to watch an action movie with cowboys and indians, instead of futuristic superheroes. And we like just about any movie that Johnny Depp is in.

A little after we got back to the RV Jon came by to go with us to the Shady Maple Smorgasbord. (Kathleen had to work this evening so she couldn't join us.) It's our second time there this week. It's the biggest buffet we've ever seen, and you can read here about our first visit this past Friday. Tonight was steak night so Jim wanted to go. I had all veggies and salad. We didn't leave hungry, that's for sure. This is must go to place if you like good food and lots of variety.

I guess we're not completely done with rain because we barely got home ahead of a small storm cell that dumped on us for about 15 minutes. We looked at the radar and it was the only storm cell in all of eastern Pennsylvania. We had a great day, and we have big plans for tomorrow.


Dizzy-Dick said...

I love cowbow and indian movies. Watch all the old stuff on the Western Channel. I will have to go see the new one.

Unknown said...

Make sure while you are in that area to find some Tom Sturgis Pretzels, made in Shillington, PA, but sold in many of the area stores. That is my family's business. Also it's fun to tour the Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery and museum in Lititz, PA. It was the first commercial pretzel bakery in America, opened in 1861. They will teach you how and you will twist your own pretzel in there. (Julius was my great great grandfather.) If you go there, the Wilbur Chocolate Factory and Museum is just blocks away too.

Betty Graffis said...

Joe is a lover of old movies. last night he watched The Magnificent Seven. He's lost track of how many times he's seen it. He has a library of old video movies including John Wayne, Red Ryder, Roy Rogers and Gene Autry to name a few.

His uncle lived in Lancaster for many years so we enjoyed our time spent in PA on our wedding trip nine years ago.

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