Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kyle’s Graduation Party

(Edwardsville, IL) Hi 89 Lo 66 – We were at Frank’s by 9:30 to go with them to church. They honored their high school graduates in this morning's service. After church we went back to their place to change clothes, then we all went to a friend of theirs for Kyle’s 8th grade graduation party. The family lives on a large lot of land and built a full size baseball field on their property, with a big BBQ area. It’s a great place to party.



Kyle, our grandson with grad on the glasses.

There were quite a few there.


These are stadium seats from the old Busch Stadium in St. Louis.

It was very hot and humid. Last Monday the morning low 39! I guess we skipped spring.

We came back to the RV and decided to take a walk. We walked along the frontage road in front of the park out to the highway, and it came to 1.2 miles. I’m gaining the weight back I lost so it’s time to get back to walking.

It’s windy this evening but no rain. We may get some severe weather the next couple of days, but hopefully it won’t be too bad. There’s nowhere to go for shelter around here. We were in hail last year, not fun.

It was time to settle in for the evening with TV and chat room. Another fun day, with more fun tomorrow as we plan to meet another old friend for lunch.


Gypsy said...

Congratulations to Kyle and all of the other graduates. Looks like a great party.

Jim and Sandie said...

Congrats Kyle. Sure hope your weather doesn't get too bad.

Jim and Judy said...

That was a nice way to celebrate Kyle's graduation.

Bob and Jo said...

Congress to all the grads

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