Friday, November 23, 2012

New Project

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 70 Lo 46 -- I'm getting up earlier so I can do some of the morning activities. Today was the Happy Hookers. I'm making a thread vest. It's an intermediate pattern, and sometimes hard to see with my aging eyes, but I'm hoping I can handle it.

Here's my progress so far.

I'll post updated pictures as I work on it. It'll keep me motivated to stick with it.

I walked with Kathleen early this afternoon. It's getting easier. Thanks to the walkers at last month's Carolina Clan rally for starting me on a walking regimen. Jim read for most of the day. He's reading a real book (as opposed to his Kindle) that he borrowed from Jon and Kathleen. It's "Killing Lincoln" by Bill O'Reilly. He told me to tell everyone that it's very good. It must be... he hasn't put it down for two days. :) He did take time out for his long walk. He's walking about three miles now.

After dinner we went over to play cards again. We have a set group we play with, and we're having so much fun that we're now playing three nights a week. All in all, another typical day here in paradise.

1 comment:

Gail Houle said...

Love your thread vest...very cute! Will be anxious to see the finished product.

Slow Start - Special Visitor - March Craft - Storms

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...