Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Games and Chats

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 70 Lo 57 -- Have you ever got up in the morning and just didn't feel like doing anything? Well today was one of those days. We thought of going to the movies, but just didn't want to be cooped up inside a dark building. It's so pretty and warm out that we just wanted to hang around under our awning today.

Jim and I  both did some Christmas shopping online, but most of my day was spent on the computer playing games. (Thanks to everyone who plays Words With Friends with me.) I also chatted online with a few people that I haven't talked to in months. Jim went to the Avon Park library to renew his temporary library card for the winter. If you're not a resident of this county they charge you for a library card.

It's been awhile since we've had pizza, so Jim went to a little place just outside our park and picked one up. The rest of the evening was TV and chatting.


Jim and Sandie said...

Sounds like a pretty good day to me. Especially being under an awning.

Unknown said...

I like a day like that every now and then. Especially if I give myself permission to stay in my pajamas.

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

So you're the one that Marti plays "Words" with. She hardly talks to me anymore...

owensontheroad said...

Oh yeah, days like that are great. Time for me to get in another Words game with you :)

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 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  73  Lo  63) Time change started on Sunday morning. It wouldn't make much difference being retired, BUT I don't ...