Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Lazy Day

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 70 Lo 45 -- A great day, cool morning but it warmed up fast.

We didn't move much today. It was football part of the day for Jim, and I worked on my vest. I think I finally have the instructions figured out. I also read a few blogs, trying to catch up.

This afternoon we watched a two-hour PBS documentary about the Dust Bowl of the 1930's. We've had it recorded for awhile and finally got around to watching it. We saw an exhibit about it in a museum when we traveled through Oklahoma this past summer, but this show was very interesting and informative. One thing we learned was, the decade-long disaster was man-made, caused by so many settlers in the midwest plowing up the grassy plains for farming during the land rush days. If you happen to see it on the PBS schedule where you are, we highly recommend it.

We played cards with the regular group again this evening. It was a laid back, lazy day.


Bob and Jo said...

Sometimes lazy days are the best

KarenInTheWoods said...

We watched that the other night on PBS here in Wisconsin. Wow.. it was a good show! We saw two minor dust storms when we were out west... one near Albuquerque and one in New Mexico by Brantley Lake. You could taste it before the brown clouds rolled in and blocked off the sun!

Karen and Steve
(Old Blog Name) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
(New Blog Name) RVing: This Country Is Our Big Backyard

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

We got caught in a sand storm in CA last January, it was so bad we had to pull off the road and wait it out overnight.

Can't begin to imagine how bad the Dust Bowl was and it went on for years!

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