Friday, October 19, 2012

Odd Day

(Beaufort, NC) Hi 77 Lo 69 -- While we were having our morning coffee I saw a few ants on the counter top. With a little investigation I found out they were coming from around the pantry. Yesterday I bought some Terro ant traps, so I set one out, and it wasn't long before it was covered with ants. So we're still in the process of getting rid of them. The bathroom had a row of ants coming and going around the shower, so I set a trap in that area too. I watched the ants for awhile. I hate them in the RV, but they're interesting to watch. I hope the "queen" gets some of the Terro.

I decided to bake a cake since I could use Sharon's oven, but when it came out it was like rubber. I guess I waited too long to make up the cake box mix. I don't need it anyway, but I was trying to get something made for Jim, and the cakes I try to make in the convection oven never turn out right. I'll get a cake mix tomorrow and get it made. Meanwhile, Jim is enjoying the leftover coconut cake that his mom made. We brought some back from the family dinner yesterday.

Jim tried to print out some photos on our HP printer, but the print cartridges are empty. I hate buying new cartridges because they almost cost more than the printer cost. So we'll wait until we get to Raleigh next week and go to a cartridge refill place we've used before. Today it seemed like when we started something, something else needed attention.

We went to pick up Jim's mom to take her out to dinner. We went to Texas Steakhouse and Saloon. They both had steak, and I had fried Talapia. We went back to Mom's for awhile, then came home and visited with Sharon and her Jim before retiring for the night.


Gail Houle said...

Those Terro ant baits are better than anything I've ever tried. You need to give them 24-36 hours and don't disturb the ant activity. Soon it will be all over :) Good Luck!

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

If the queen doesn't get any Terro, maybe some of that rubber cake would work... ;c)

Jim and Sandie said...

Ants and mice - two of my worst nightmares in the RV. But I've heard good things about the Terro. I haven't made a cake in so long I'm not sure I'd know how any more. And we even have a regular oven in the RV.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

We have had ants twice and they can be difficult to get rid of. Now we keep traps around the motorhome all the time as a precaution. When we are in area likely to have mice, we also deploy bait.

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