Thursday, August 9, 2012

Royal Gorge Railroad Trip

(AF Academy, Colorado Springs, CO)  Hi 86 Lo 59 – Boy, the wonderful days and wonderful sights just keep on coming. Today was another high point of our stay in the Colorado Springs area. We drove about 60 miles southwest to Canon City (pronounced Can-yon City) to ride the Royal Gorge Railroad. It’s a two-hour round trip along the Arkansas river through Royal Gorge, sometimes called the Grand Canyon of the Arkansas. It’s a narrow, 10-mile long, 1,250 foot deep canyon through the granite of Fremont Peak. We had to decide if we wanted to drive to Royal Gorge Park and cross the famous 1,000 foot high suspension bridge, or ride the train along the bottom of the canyon. Given Dee’s phobia of high bridges, the decision was a no-brainer. :)

As usual around here, the drive to our destination was almost as scenic as the destination itself. On the way south out of Colorado Springs we passed Cheyenne Mountain, site of the famous NORAD mountain complex of the Cold War era. (Be sure to click on the photos to make them larger.)
Royal Gorge_Canon City (2)

They still have operations inside the mountain, but they’re in “warm standby” mode these days, as the normal aerospace defense operations are conducted at nearby Peterson AFB.

Once we got away from Colorado Springs the terrain started taking on a distinctly desert appearance as we started the transition from the “mountain west” to the “desert southwest.”
Royal Gorge_Canon City (3)

Royal Gorge_Canon City (19)

As we neared the turnoff from CO 115 onto US 50 for the final 10 miles to Canon City I saw in the distance the large federal Supermax prison complex outside the nearby town of Florence.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (6)

Confession time… I’m somewhat of a prison buff. I know, weird, right? For some reason I’m fascinated by prisons, and I never pass up the chance to drive by one if possible. The Supermax prison is like the holy grail for prison buffs. It’s the highest-security prison in the country, where they incarcerate the most dangerous felons, and those who require special controls, like convicted international spies and terrorists. We were running ahead of schedule so we took a little detour so I could get a closer look.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (11)

The complex is huge, and has several facilities of varying security levels, including the Supermax facility, which is the home of Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber), Eric Rudolph (one of the Oklahoma City bombers), and several 9-11 terrorists.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (17)

OK, enough about my strange interest… We arrived at the train depot in Canon City and got our tickets.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (21)

We had about a half-hour until departure time so we walked around the gift shop and generally hung out. Finally with a loud whistle the train arrived.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (84)

Royal Gorge_Canon City (23)

Royal Gorge_Canon City (24)

The train has three classes of service. The Vista Dome (which are the blue cars in the upper photo above), coach, and a gourmet lunch in the dining car. All classes have access to the open air cars, which give you unobstructed views of the scenery.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (25)

We had tickets for coach, so we boarded and made our way to our assigned car.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (22)

Through the refreshments car...
Royal Gorge_Canon City (26) our assigned coach car…
Royal Gorge_Canon City (27)

… and our seats.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (28)

The train pulled out at 12:30 and maintained a steady pace of about 10 mph. As soon as we got away from Canon City and started following the Arkansas River the scenery started getting really, really spectacular!
Royal Gorge_Canon City (34)

It wasn't long before we left our seats and went out to the open air car to take in the views.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (38)

Royal Gorge_Canon City (45)

Royal Gorge_Canon City (47)

The view to the rear was just as good.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (46)

These folks were enjoying their lunch in an unusual location.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (67)

I sure would like to know the history of this old building. If someone lived here, they sure were isolated.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (68)

We passed these three deer enjoying a drink. They didn’t pay us any mind.

About halfway through the canyon the famous Royal Gorge Bridge came into view.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (53)

Royal Gorge_Canon City (48)

That thing is really up there!
Royal Gorge_Canon City (55)

Dee is really glad we took the train through the gorge rather than drive across it. :)
Royal Gorge_Canon City (56)

Near the bridge there was a zip line ride. Now THAT takes courage!

We passed many rafters on the trip.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (77)

Royal Gorge_Canon City (62)

Royal Gorge_Canon City (65)

When we reached the other end of the canyon we saw their put in site.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (74)

The train reversed and returned to the station on the same route, so we went by the refreshments car and bought a snack to eat at our seats. It was a magnificent two hours, and we’re so glad we did it. The cost was $35 apiece, which we think was well worth it.

During the trip home we had quite a nice surprise. Just as we got into Colorado Springs I noticed a large aircraft taking off in the distance. And would you believe it? It was Air Force One!
  Royal Gorge_Canon City (88)

President Obama was in town for a campaign stop. If you’re a regular reader you’ll remember we saw Air Force One take off from Buckley AFB near Denver while we were there. What are the chances of seeing Air Force One twice in 2/1/2 weeks?

As we got closer to the Academy the late afternoon light was casting beautiful shadows across the Front Range, with the lighter shadows of Pikes Peak providing a backdrop.
Royal Gorge_Canon City (90)

We never tire of the ever changing views of the mountains.

We pass this RV dealer every time we travel through Colorado Springs on I-25. Today I finally got a picture of it. We get a kick out of it every time we see it. (No, Dee hasn’t started a second career.)
Royal Gorge_Canon City (93)

Well, that was our day. Pretty eventful if you ask me! We’re going to be a little less active tomorrow and through the weekend. We’ve seen the major things we set out to see. It’s been an unforgettable four weeks in Colorado, both in Denver area and here in Colorado Springs.


Al and Karen said...

We did go to the bridge and walked over it in is a dizzying experience to look over the side. You wouldn't believe how small the rafts look from up there! We've spent the whole summer here in Colorado and I agree, it has been magnificent.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm so your NOT going rafting tomorrow for alittle water excitment???


Gypsy said...

I think the train ride is definitely worth the cost. You don't have to be careful to watch the road and can just sit back and enjoy the scenery.

Unknown said...

That train ride is definitely going on my To Do List. Thanks for the good pictures.

Kevin Read said...

I love the concept of the open air train car. The area looks beautiful.

Kevin and Ruth

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

Oh am I jealous, that train trip is definitely on our bucket list, Sam says thanks for taking all the pictures he copied them in case he dies before we get out there. Have a great time, and be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

owensontheroad said...

Another area we are looking forward to! We both love to ride the old steam trains too.

GGuncle said...

that pic' you said was a zip line , if you look close you can see a cable car (red) inside the little bldg. when ellen & i were there in '04 we took the cable car across the gorge & walked the bridge back. the state flags of all 50 states line the bridge on both railings. there is a sign at midpoint stating no fishing from bridge,(you would need over 1000 ft. of line just to reach the water). there was another sign about either a skydiver or a bungee jumper doing a jump from there that was in a movie. not my cup of tea.but the walk on the bridge was an experience, you could feel the slight sway in the bridge. it is a wood plank walkway or it was when we were there.
thanks for letting me relive my experiences thru your trips & photos. dom...

Jessica Riker said...

Wow, what beautiful pictures! That train ride looks like such fun. I wouldn't be liking that zip line ride for sure!

Gin and Syl said...

I don't really have a "bucket list", but riding a scenic train ride is one thing that I hope to do before I kick the bucket. Thanks for the pics.

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