Friday, August 10, 2012

Our Thoughts on Colorado

(AF Academy, Colorado Springs, CO) Hi 80 Lo 56 -- We’re winding down our stay in Colorado. We have many memories and LOTS of pictures. Jim liked the Rocky Mountain National Park north of Denver as his favorite area. I liked the Pikes Peak cog train ride and the Garden of the Gods. There’s amazing sights and the people are friendly in the whole state. We’ll be back someday as long as we have wheels. We don’t want to see snow so it will be a summer visit only.
If we lived here we found the perfect place to live. It’s a residential/shopping complex called Interquest, just east of the AF Academy. It has a beautiful condominium building that faces the mountains.
2012-8-10 Looking toward AF Academy CO (15)

With a movie theater right next door.

And a restaurant across the parking lot.
2012-8-10 Looking toward AF Academy CO (17)

The view to the west includes the Air Force Academy, where we could do all our shopping.
2012-8-10 Looking toward AF Academy CO (2)

And I could watch all the storms come in from over the mountain range.
rockies co

rockies co(2)

We’re going to miss this area. There’s a lot to see and a lot to do. Next time we’ll go deeper into the mountains. We’re both breathing a lot better and even can walk a little bit more without struggling for breath. We learned we have to drink a lot of water and take things slow. We learned that water is loaded in trucks, tubs and anything that will allow it to be transported in large amounts to different campgrounds and facilities around the area. They transport water to the top of Pikes Peak every day. Here's a tank of water we saw on the railroad yesterday.

It’s time to move on and see more of America. It’s been a spectacular journey so far this summer, and we’re looking forward to a lot more fun.

We decided to take in a movie today, “Hope Springs.” It’s about an older couple trying to solve their marital problems. It stars Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones, two great actors. We laughed and we cried, which made it a great movie for us.

Jim went to a local minor league baseball game tonight, the Colorado Springs Sky Sox. He likes to visit ballparks wherever we travel.

Thanks for following along. We’re done with the major sights in Colorado, but there’s more to come.

More pictures are downloaded to the blog on the right side under 2012 highlights, Royal Gorge


Gypsy said...

You seem to have had a wonderful time in Colorado. I wish you the best in your next travels.

Elaine said...

you two have been travels to you....

Paul and Mary said...

You've just scratched the surface of one of our favorite states. No worries! Colorado has a way of pulling you back to visit again and again. (Besides, you've found a place to live!) Safe travels!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that movie is a thumbs up. I saw the preview and said to myself any movie that contains those two actors will probably be good. I want to see it.

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