Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oklahoma, a New State for Tumbleweed

(Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, OK)  Hi  89 Lo 64 -- We got up early so we could go to IHOP for breakfast before pulling out. We had a five hour drive ahead of us, so we wanted a big breakfast without messing up the kitchen.

We were hitched up and on the road by 9:00. It was a very uneventful trip, with not much in the way of scenery. From Amarillo through the Texas panhandle it was very flat and boring, and when we got into Oklahoma it got a little more agricultural.

There was a huge cross just east of Amarillo. They brag that it's the world's biggest cross, but we know of one near Effingham, IL that appears to be just as big.
2012-8-22 Large cross in TX (800x600)

We came into Oklahoma City, with the skyline dominated by a new 52-story skyscraper that dwarfs the other buildings.
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This unusual piece of artwork stretched across I-40.
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The Tinker AFB famcamp doesn't take reservations, so we arrived at the base hoping they would have room for us. We lucked out, and we're so glad. It's a beautiful little park on a small lake, with concrete pads and full hookups. This is also the 100th destination for Tumbleweed since we’ve been on the road. What a milestone!
Here’s a few pictures of the famcamp.

The view out my side window.
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It’s been very dry here, like the rest of the country. They've had no significant rain since April so the lake level is low.
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You can fish in the lake if you buy a temporary license stamp.
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We're here through the weekend, so we'll see what we can get into.


WestieWaggin' - Out Our Window Today... said...

You are about two miles from our home. Problem is that we are in Maine! (Just found your blog through another blogger...we don't have a blog...but enjoy parttime RVing!) Enjoy your stay!

Rod Ivers said...

Effingham, Il is 8 feet taller than Groom, Tx.... but I'm npt sure you could tell that from a moving car, LOL..

Jim and Sandie said...

So many things to see and do in OK City. Have a great time while you're there and hopefully the weather won't be too awful.

Mike and Terri said...

Congratulations on your 100th destination! Looking forward to reading about your next 100!

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