Saturday, August 18, 2012

Movie Day and Racing Night

(Amarillo, TX) Hi 93 Lo 67 -- We had a leisurely morning. Jim was checking more RV parks and I was catching up on blogs most of the morning. We decided to go to a movie this afternoon, The Bourne Legacy. I don't remember much about the other Bourne movies, except that I liked them. This one was no exception, it's full of action. The plot was complicated (to me anyway), but it came together at the end. Jim loved it.

After the movie we went next door to the theater to Famous Dave's, our favorite BBQ place, for dinner. The food was good, and plentiful. We were stuffed when we left.

While driving around Amarillo a couple of days ago we came across Route 66 Motor Speedway a couple of miles from our RV Park. They have racing every Saturday night, so we thought we'd drive over and enjoy an evening of racing. It was threatening to rain when we left for the track, but it only sprinkled for a few minutes.

The track is a 3/8 mile dirt track, and they run five classes of cars.

When they watered the track to keep the dust down, they put too much water down and it got real muddy in turn one. They ran the cars around and around to work it in, and the cars were sliding all over the place in the muddy part. That was almost as entertaining as the racing. :) They finally got the track in good shape and the program started at 7:40pm, 40 minutes late. With five classes, and multiple heat races, B mains and Features, the program didn't end until 11:30pm. That's a long evening of racing! We met a wonderful couple, Colton and Amy, who race a car some weekends. They filled us in on which cars to watch and who to root for.

Dirt was everywhere by the time we left, including in our eyes.

There were plenty of spins and wrecks, including one big crash when a modified car flipped over a couple of times. It was great fun, and we got home a little before midnight and hit the shower. What a fun day!


Carol Kerr said...

Sounds like a perfect day to me!

Jessica Riker said...

Glad the movie was good - we have plans to go next weekend! :) I have loved all the Bourne movies so far.

KarenInTheWoods said...

Sounds like you had a really fun day!

Mike and Terri said...

Too bad I didn't know you were going to the races... I could've driven down... it's only a nine and a half hour drive! :) Sounds like it was a great day of fun!!!

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