Matt arrived and started checking things. First he took the faucet completely apart and it checked out ok. Then he drained the water heater and, using his compressor, blew air through the water lines. That did the trick. He said there must have been some calcium deposits or other gunk clogged in the cold water line. The air blew it out and it now works fine. Matt was a real nice guy and his service rates are very reasonable. It's so nice when you get good service at a good price.
Since that took most of the morning we changed our minds about going to go Palo Duro Canyon today. We'll do that trip on Monday. Today we headed to a restaurant on the south side of town called Crazy Larry’s. Matt suggested it as a good BBQ place. I had a Texas BBQ sandwich and Jim had a sausage "hot links" sandwich. We were both impressed!
When we were finished with lunch we went to a small RV Museum that we'd heard about. It's located in a building on the back lot of Jack Sizemore Traveland, a local RV dealer.

It isn’t nearly as big as the RV Hall of Fame and Museum in Elkhart, Indiana, but it sure is neat. They have quite a few RV’s of all types that they found in barns, or were given to them by various people. Some were reconditioned and some were in their original state.
The first one we saw was the "Gornicke" bus from the Robin Williams movie "RV."

Inside the Gornicke bus.

Here's a few of the rigs on display:

Here's a 1948 Ford with one of the first auto air conditioners installed on the side of the roof.

A tear drop trailer "kit" made from war surplus aluminum.

There were also several motorcycles. Jim liked this replica of the Harley Sportster from the 60's TV show "Then Came Bronson." It's a show he really liked that lasted only one season.

Many bikes were displayed around the top of the wall.

We really liked the museum. It's a hidden gem, and if you're ever in the Amarillo area be sure to check it out. Before leaving the RV dealer we looked around their parts department and I finally found a U.S. map with state stickers that we can display on our rig. We put it on the front end of our slide out right next to the door. We've covered 27 states and counting. It adds a colorful touch, don't you think?
We stopped at Walmart for a few (non-food) items, then returned home for the evening.
Where's Canada?
Sandra: It's just where it has always been...north of USA. LOL
Dee: I had a 1962 Bambi, but sold it. I didn't realize how valuable it would be later. When we went to the Airstream rallies it looked so tiny amongst the big Airstreams. In fact it was shorter than my pick-up truck, and we used to call it our tumble weed.
Happy Trails, Penny.
So glad to hear that the RV Museum was a good find. I hope to get up there one of these days. Nice that it is free too as the one in Elkhart is definitely not free although it is very interesting.
I love love love looking at old RV's. Thanks for the pictures!
Can't believe we didn't know about this museum when we were there. Need to put that on our list when we go through there again.
Oh boy, that Avion pickup camper sure brings back memories. My parents owned Avion travel trailers and were members of the Avion Travelcade Club. There usually were a few pickup campers at the national rallies but mostly Avion travel trailers. The truck campers always drew a lot of attention. That museum goes on the "to see" list too. :)
Then Came Bronson was a great show but it should have been called Then Went Bronson because it only lasted one season.
It did give me the motorcycle travel bug and I did lots of touring (before Marti).
Now I like the RV travel, don't worry about rainstorms too much like I did on the motorcycles.
tell paul thats what they make raingear for.the day ,Ellen & i went to the Ill. state hog rally when it was in o'fallon,Il.: we traveled over 700 miles in rain. at least it was a warm rain. we got sunshine the last 45 miles;then the temps went up to 96 degs. still love my harley. dom...
That looks like a very nice RV museum. I love looking at the old restored ones but I like living in our new one.
That's a nice looking little museum. Glad the sink mystery was solved and relatively simply.
That's a nice looking little museum. Glad the sink mystery was solved and relatively simply.
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