Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cadillac Ranch – The Big Texan Steak Ranch

(Amarillo, TX)  Hi 87 Lo 69 – Today was intended to be a down day so I could rest up for my steak dinner tonight at the famous Big Texan Steak Ranch. But it was  such a nice day that around noon we decided to drive about 10 miles west of Amarillo on I-40 to check out the Cadillac Ranch, sometimes called “Carhenge.” It’s a classic American roadside attraction from the old Route 66 days. In 1974 three members of an art group decided to bury 10 old Cadillacs nose down in the ground. You can see them from the interstate, but to get up close and personal we exited the highway and drove along the frontage road to a small parking area with an unlocked gate. The cars are out in an open field on private property, about 200 yards from the gate. (Click on photos to enlarge them.)



The cars are completely covered in graffiti.

The artists’ original intent was to create a serious art exhibit. They were not pleased with the increasing amount of graffiti, which they considered vandalism. But over the years the graffiti became part of the exhibit and is now encouraged. The ground around the cars is littered with hundreds of spray paint cans.

Some people were finding cans with paint left in them and adding their artistic touches.

And some people were trying some unique photo angles.

Every few years the owner of the property repaints all the cars a solid color so future “artists” can start new designs. As you can see, the cars are very colorful.


Here’s Dee admiring the artwork.

My “I was there” moment. :)

Although the Cadillac Ranch is on private property, this ironic sign was posted on the fence near the gate.

When we left we stopped by another nearby RV park and saw this homage to Cadillac Ranch on their property.

It was a fun little diversion and a real slice of Americana. On the way home we drove through downtown Amarillo to get a flavor of the city.

Our impression? Clean and kind of laid back. It’s an easy city to get around in, all the streets are laid out in a grid pattern. We’ll see more of it during the next few days.

One of the most famous places in Amarillo is the The Big Texan Steak Ranch, home of the “free” 72 oz. steak. It’s another Route 66 landmark.

For your steak to be free you have to eat all 72 oz. of meat, plus a salad, baked potato, 3 shrimp and a roll in under an hour. They make you pay for the meal ahead of time ($72.00!) and refund your money if you complete the challenge. We got there about 5:30 and the place was about half full so we got a table right away. Our table was right near the “stage” where four adventurous souls were in the middle of the 72 oz. challenge.

Now I love steak… but seeing 4 1/2 pounds of meat on a plate is a very intimidating sight! After we ordered our meals we entertained ourselves watching the four gluttons. None of them were successful in the challenge, and only one had as much as half their meal gone by the end of the hour. (We're not sure why the lady even tried it. She hardly made a dent in her pile of food.) As soon as they were done, another young, rather small guy started in on the challenge. He gave up about 40 minutes in, with his meal about half eaten. It’s hard to believe, but the record is held by a guy who ate the whole thing in a little under 9 minutes!

Meanwhile, back in the real world Dee ordered Texas Quesadillas, which she said was excellent.

And I, of course, ordered a steak. I got the 18 oz. sirloin, which is 1/4 the size of the challenge steak.

It was thick, juicy, and cooked just right (medium rare). In my opinion it was very good, but not quite great. It was a level above the steaks you get at most of the chain restaurants, but not as good as the “premium” steaks you get at Ruth’s Chris or Morton’s. (But not as expensive either.) Normally a 12-14 oz. steak fills me up, but I ate lightly all day and was really hungry, so I had no problem finishing off all 18 ounces.

What a way to cap off a fun day. Tomorrow we’re heading south a ways to see Palo Duro Canyon. The fun never stops!


Unknown said...

I had seen pictures of Cadillac Ranch in a travel book but I had never heard anyone tell of being there. Nice to hear you enjoyed it!

Jim and Sandie said...

Brought back good memories for us. But I didn't see the rig in the ground at the RV Park. We only had one guy trying to eat the steak when we were there and he didn't make it either. We loved Palo Duro Canyon. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I can see why no one was eating their steaks...they forgot to cook them. Looks like a plate full of raw meat.

MN Chuck

Chuck-Kathy said...

Been there done that, although we have never seen any try to eat the 72 ounce'r. The paint on the cars seem to me to be about the only thing that was holding it all together, but a must see. Enjoy the canyon, watch out for snakes!

KarenInTheWoods said...

Wheeheee such touristy stuff today! Cool on the RV being buried too. There is NO way we could ever try to eat that much steak...ewwwwww

do they get to keep their leftovers? you could make a few meals outta 72 oz of steak!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

Mike and Terri said...

The Cadillac Ranch and The Big Texan Steak Ranch were already on my "to see" list. Now I'm going to have to see that motorhome too.

That steak challenge is way out of my league. Is there a rule that they have to keep it down for so long?

That steak you had Jim is probably out of my league too...
wow 18 oz.!!!

Jeannie and Eldy said...

Wow! LOVED the photos of Cadillac Ranch! So cool! Good job on the steak!

Travelwithwhippets said...

We were evacuated from Palo Duro last year due to a wild fire. We had only been there a couple hours. Watch out for the orange smoke :-)

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

You'd think they would put out a trash barrel for all the expended spray cans so people wouldn't toss them on the ground.

Plus it would be one more thing for people to paint...

LakeConroePenny,TX said...

The way things are today, someone would probably steal the trash cans! Or already has.

Bob and Jo said...

If you like Mexican food try Abuelos. Amarillo gets a bad rap but we really like it.

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