Friday, March 2, 2012

What IF -- Tornadoes All Day

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 86 Lo 61 -- We didn't have much planned today, but we did get some things done.

I heard before we went full time that it's easier to clean when the husband is out of the RV. I have no idea why, but it is a little easier. Jim went to the library for a few hours and I cleaned and dusted the RV while he was gone.

I started watching the weather in the Midwest early this morning on CNN. There were lots of tornado warnings today and it was devastating. It's something that usually happens in the midwest in April, not this early in the season. Our prayers go out to the families who were affected by these storms.

I hope all of you who live and travel in an RV'ers have thought about what to do and where to go if you run into severe weather while you're traveling. They mentioned several times on CNN today about the traffic on the major highways, and that semi truck drivers weren't pulling over. We can see the danger on TV, but if you're traveling along a highway how do you know what county you're in? And how do you know if there's a severe weather alert in your area if you're listening to CD's or satellite radio? Jim has a GPS unit that shows what county you're in, which is a nice feature. But what if you see a tornado ahead? What would you do? What SHOULD you do? Do you stay in the car? Get out and look for shelter? Try to outrun the tornado. I don't have the answers, and I'm sure it depends on the situation. But I know Jim and I will be doing some research on this.

We both did our walks around the park today. I hope to do that  every day for the rest of the month. I used the Runkeeper app on my Droid phone and it said I did a mile and half at 21.06 mins per mile avg. That's a quick pace for me. My knees hurt if I go faster.

I kept busy the rest of the day with Words with Friends, Gardens of Time, Chronicles, reading the blogs on my list, and checking updates on Facebook. Jim came home from the library with a book for me called Left Behind. I've heard of it, let's see if it starts out good enough to hold my interest. Around 8:00 I'll get on RV-Dreams chatroom as I do every night. We're getting some new people who are planning to go full time and I'm hoping they continue with their dreams.

1 comment:

Karen and Al said...

I read the Left Behind series and enjoyed it. The first book was the most interesting.

Good questions on what to do if you're traveling. I hadn't thought of many of those issues.

Visitor - Residential Counsel - Grandson Graduation

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  76   Lo  69) Monday I went to my first class for yoga. I didn't realize it's all from youtube. I thought someon...