Sunday, October 9, 2011

Deja Vu, and Going Down Memory Lane

(NC State Fairgrounds, Raleigh, NC)  Hi 78 Lo 54 -- The only thing planned today was get started on mom's apartment. I don't want to wait too long as there's a LOT to do, and we may need to contact several organizations to pick up stuff.

We'd like to thank everyone who has left comments on the blog giving suggestions and words of support. We appreciate every one of you and wish we could give each of you a big hug. The RV community is so supportive in situations like this, and it's so good to hear different experiences.

I got to the apartment about 11:00 and just stood in the living room thinking, "Where do I start?" I've been waking up during the night trying to figure it out, but just wasn't sure. Mom gave me a list of stuff she wants to keep so I started with that, which then made it easier. A neighbor in the building, one of mom's close friends, came to help and we started with the kitchen. We threw out a lot and she took a lot, so the kitchen is almost done. I'm putting stuff in piles just like we did when we moved from our apartment to the RV. I'll call some local organizations this week to have them come pick up stuff.

The reason for the title of deja vu is, it's like doing it all over again. I gave mom a lot of stuff from our condo and apartment, and she still has a lot of things we had when I was growing up. It was like living some of my life over again, and going down memory lane.

Tomorrow we should know more about where mom may go. She's going to be so much better where meals are fixed for her and having lots of people around. She's been so happy with her roommate at the rehab center and she loved all the attention she got at the hospital.


squawmama said...

I think your mom is going to fair just fine ~ sounds like she will enjoy the pampering....LOL She'll be even better when she gets some of her things around her.
Have fun & Travel safe

Jim and Sandie said...

Dad did so much better when he got into assisted living with a regular schedule and games like bingo and people to play cards with. Hope the paper work goes through tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Sounds like things are moving right along to settle your Mom in the assisted living facility. She'll have her meals prepared, regular schedule and I assume medical care... and she'll have friends. I never had to go through any of that with my mom and dad so don't know what its really like. It must be hard going through all the sorting at the apartment. Take care of yourself...and keep us posted

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