Monday, October 10, 2011

Waiting on Technicalities

(NC State Fairgrounds, Raleigh, NC)  Hi 78 Lo 56 -- I wanted to get to the rehab center as soon as I could to find out what the doctor has to say about mom. Jim had an early lunch date with an ex-coworker, so I left for the center by myself. When I got there I talked to the RN and the social worker. They must spend a lot of time together to be sure everyone gets updated information from the doctors. The docs are there a very short time to do their rounds and then they're gone.

The RN said mom's off the water restriction that was the reason the assisted care center delayed approving our application on Friday. That's good news because it means her sodium level is back to normal. Now we're waiting on the results of a TB test, which is a technicality. There's been an influx of TB at care facilities, so they're not taking any chances. Provided that goes well, and once all the paperwork is done, mom should finally be accepted to Carillon Assisted Living and MAY be released from rehab and move in this Friday. The RN said she's a long way from needing to go to a nursing home.

Jim joined me after his lunch and we both spent the rest of the day at the apartment sorting and getting rid of more stuff. The kitchen is done. We need to have it totally organized by this Thursday when representatives from two churches are coming to take some things. We're making progress, and things are looking up. Hopefully I can sleep better tonight. :)


Jim and Sandie said...

Great news about your Mom. Get a good night's sleep. All is going well.

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Sounds like things are progressing very well. You are doing a great job!

Gail Houle said...

I can't believe how much you've accomplished in such a short time! You guys will really need a nice rest when your mom is all comfortably moved into her new home.

GGuncle said...

See! prayers do get answered.

Carol Kerr said...

When you're done there, could you come take care of our house in Texas? lol...
Seriously, I'm glad things are coming together for your mom. I know how stressful that is to deal with.

Elaine said...

Glad to see the glitch of the acceptance was just that a small onward and upward to get the apartment day at a time and before you know it it will be all done..and you'll be on your way to Florida..:) hang in there my dear..

Kevin Read said...

Great news about your mom. Glad things are going well. I would not like to have to go through my Dad's house, there is way too much stuff!

Kevin and Ruth

Karen and Al said...

You really have accomplished a lot. Good news about your Mom.

Anonymous said...

Glad your mom is doing so much better and on her way to a new home/new adventure.Reassuring isnt it that the RN said she was far from a nursing home. If Sam and I were abducted by aliens tomorrow I would pity my son having to sort thru our 35 yrs of junk. I still have my college textbooks in the garage...think they might not be up to date. :-)
Donna W.

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