Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day with Family

(Scott AFB, IL)  Hi 72 Lo 48 -- This morning started out cool but it ended up a perfect day. The weather just can't get any better. Our son told us it was 103 last Friday and now it's very nice. We're bringing nice weather everywhere we go this year, except the hot hot days in Wisconsin.

We went to Frank's about noon. His wife Angie babysits, and it was nap time for the little ones, so we took Frank and left for a couple hours. We went to lunch and then came to our place to sit and talk for a while. On the way on base we stopped at the pass & registration office and got Frank a two-week pass so he can come on base to visit us while we're here. It's handy for him to come onto the base on his own instead  of us having to drive outside the main gate to pick him up.

We went back to their place to wait for the boys to get home from school. Kendall is in the third grade and Kyle is in the seventh, but looking at both boys you'd think they were a lot older. They've grown a lot since we saw them last year.

The board that Kyle was on last night is called a rip stick, not a rip board like I said in yesterday's post.  It's so neat to watch them both ride them. I tried, but it's very awkward and I'm afraid of falling, but with practice I'm sure I can get it right, It's just not easy to get them started.

Kendall riding his rip stick while Frank watches.

This is a closeup of the rip stick.

Meet Banjo, the family's Jack Russell Terrier mix.
It was a fun day with the boys. Tomorrow is "get some stuff done" day.


Jim and Sandie said...

Family days - great times.

squawmama said...

The boys are so cute ~ I don't know how they do that rip board...
Have fun with your family!

KarenInTheWoods said...

So glad you are having a great time visiting with the family! Heard you are going near Sam and Donna... give them a big hug from us? thanks!

Used some of your special sauce the other day on our steaks... yummmm! Thinking of you each time we see the bottle in the fridge!

Karen and Steveio
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

Margie and Roger said...

Glad you are getting some more family time. Banjo is a cutie. I see your low is in the 40's - you better start south!

Elaine said...

yeah on the family time :)....Banjo is a sweetie..the boys are some cute...enjoy your visit :)

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...