Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back on the "Old Stomping Grounds"

(Scott AFB, IL)  Hi 81 Lo 59 -- Perfect day.  Partly cloudy with a nice breeze.

We didn't have any real plans for today, and when I got up Frank texted me to ask if we wanted to go to the mall with him. Daughter-in-law Angie's diamond ring was at the jeweler's for a cleaning and Frank had to go pick it up. We love malls, and we remember this one very well from when we lived here back in the late 80's.  Most malls are geared to the youngsters. There's seldom anything we'd want to buy, but it's fun to walk around watching the young set and see what the latest styles are for the season.

After our walk around the mall we went to lunch. It was so great to hang out and talk to Frank. One of the great pleasures of life is to be reunited with family after a long absence, and enjoy each others' company and catch up on things. We talked about what we'll be doing while we're here, and discussed plans for the weekend. After dropping Frank back off at his house we went back to the base. It was hair cutting time for me, so we stopped at the base beauty salon. I thought I'd have to wait, but since my haircut is pretty much a buzz cut I talked them into taking me as a walk-in. I was in and out in less than 10 minutes. And it cost only $14. It's great being back on base again! We then went to the commissary and stocked up on groceries for the month.

The rest of the afternoon we played computer games and watched TV.  Tomorrow will be a full day with the grand kids and we may be late getting home, so I'll do a quick post tomorrow afternoon then tell what we did on Saturday.

One last thing before I close this out... About a month ago we bought a new Rand McNally TripMaker RVND-5510 GPS. It's the new one that's designed for RV'ers, and it includes data on campgrounds, low bridges, RV dealer locations, and more. I have a Garmin GPS in my car when I follow behind him on the road, and I thought he should have one in his truck. Well, he said he doesn't even look at it much when traveling, so it's pretty much being wasted. So we'd like to offer it for sale. If anyone is interested in buying it for $290.00 send an email to Jim at That price includes the GPS unit, DC power cord, USB cord to connect to a pc, and windshield suction cup mount. We have a Paypal account to facilitate payment, and we'll cover the postage. The retail price is $350.00. You can find it online for as low as $299.00, but then you'd have to add postage. Here's a link for more information: RVND-5510.


squawmama said...

Glad your enjoying your family and having such a great time... We do not need another GPS but if I hear of anyone looking for one I'll send them your way!
Have fun & enjoy your family visit

Diane and Rich said...

I've heard that those Rand McNally GPS were pretty good. We recently upgraded to a Tom Tom so are not in the market for one now. You would think that more of the GPS manufaturers would sell models geared toward RVers.

Diane and Rich said...

I have heard that those new Rand McNally GPS units were pretty good. I think the only other place you can get them is at Camping World. We recently upgraded our garmin to a Tom Tom with life map updates. As good as a GPS is you still need to have a good idea of the route you are taking cause it can get you in trouble, especially if its trying to take you the shortest route.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...