Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New State for Tumbleweed - Minnesota

(Ellendale, MN) Hi 84 Lo 73 --  As usual for the night before we travel, I didn't sleep well last night.  We started off the day with breakfast at Howie’s Diner, which is about a half mile from the park. That’s all they do is breakfast, and it was really good.  We also fueled up the truck on the way. 

We got everything done and were on the road by 10:15.  We took I-90 west through beautiful rolling green farmland. There were many barns with huge silos. That's the part I love about the midwest, lots of opportunities to photograph barns. I also took some photos of rock formations along the way.

2011-7-26 rock formations on way to Albert Lea MN (2)

2011-7-26 rock formations on way to Albert Lea MN (3)

When we crossed into Minnesota we stopped at the state welcome center, which is on the bank of the Mississippi River.
WI and MN border MS river

We arrived at Crystal Springs RV Resort in Ellendale, MN about 2:30. It’s a brand new park with  about 30 gravel sites. The roads are still gravel and there are no amenities as yet. The owner is really friendly and helpful. It's going to be a seasonal park where you buy your lot and share in the ownership. They have a 10-year plan to add 60 more sites around a small lake. We’re backed up to the lake on a very level gravel site with 50-amp electric, water, and sewer. It’s open without any trees, and for the first time in a very long time I can see storms coming in, and we can get great satellite. There’s no park wi-fi, but we have a good Verizon signal so we can tether our Droid phones to our laptops.

Our site. 
2011-7-26 Crystal Springs RV Resort  MN (6)

The view out our back window.
2011-7-26 Crystal Springs RV Resort  MN (9)

This is a bare bones park (for now), but we like it. We were offered a great weekly rate, so we're here until next Tuesday. There’s several things we want to see in the area, but the main reason we’re here is to be with our friends Chuck and Linda. We've known them since 1971, when Jim and Chuck were in their first year in the Air Force. Chuck got out after four years, but we've maintained contact with them over the years.

We stayed in tonight and rested from the day's travels. The sun was on the driver's side for the whole trip, and no matter how high I ran my AC, it was hot.


Margie and Roger said...

Not sure what direction you will be going, but a stop at Blue Earth, MN would be fun. It's the home of the Jolly Green Giant. We stayed at the Faribault Fairgrounds - first day free, then $5 per day. Had electric. Maybe water. Can't remember if sewer was available. Good for a one night stop or just to see the Giant. Small museum in town.

Jim and Sandie said...

Have a great time with your friends. Nothing like meeting up with friends old and new. One of the best parts of the RV lifestyle. Looks like a wonderful park.

Paul and Mary said...

Blue Earth also has a great meat locker. It's not much to look at, but we picked up some awesome steaks, brats and burgers. Definitely worth a stop if you pass that way. Enjoy!

squawmama said...

Looks like a great campground... I like small campgrounds that are nice. Glad your having fun and looking forward to your post!
Travel safe

RV Khronicles of Kevelyn said...

Not sure how long you'll be in MN, but if you get a chance to head up to Duluth and drive north along Lake Superior, it's an amazing trip. Our son lives and works in MN, so we have a special place in our heart for the state. We've driven through it often as he lives in Moorhead, right across the river from Fargo, ND.

Travels with Emma said...

The Spam Museum isn't too far away in Austin. :)

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