Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More Visiting

(Raleigh, NC) Hi 71 Lo 46, Storms and hard rain early morning. --  I had a lunch appointment with a co-worker from a job I had several years ago. Whenever we're in town I always meet with her just to see what's going on. The corporate world hasn't changed at all, there's still a lot of politics and things that just make one shake their heads. It was so good seeing her again.

Jim did the laundry while I was gone so when I got back he was folding and putting stuff away when we got the call that our RV'er friends were here.

We met Gin and Syl at the RV-Dreams rally in  Mytle Beach, SC, they also met with us in October before we left for Florida.  They're preparing to fulltime and will be putting their house on the market on June 1. Syl is retiring from the Raleigh Police Department in 87 days (but as she says, who's counting?). They had been visiting with Jim and Linda  so they all came together to see us.  Jim and Linda  have been fulltiming since 2001. I've been reading Jim and Linda's blog since we met them briefly at the RV-Dreams rally and the Myrtle Bch rally.

Syl and Gin.

Jim and Linda.

We talked for a couple of hours before they had to leave for other engagements. It's been great seeing all our friends - and making new friends - here in Raleigh..

We went out to dinner with some of our other friends and then went to an ice cream shop for dessert. What a great day!  Tomorrow our new tires and wheels get delivered.


Gin and Syl said...

We enjoyed our visit and the days are going a little faster now. Hope things go well with the new tires. Safe travels.
Syl & Gin

squawmama said...

Glad your having such a good time and meeting up with so many friends...
Stay safe, have fun & travel safe

Prettypics123 said...

Life is good!

New Temperatures - Bowling Party - California Fires

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 50   Lo 37) The week started out weather wise with tornadoes, then cold and hard frost back to warm and windy now more st...