Sunday, May 8, 2011

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY -- Fishing in the Lake

(St. Louis, MO)  HI 82 Lo 65 --  I hope all the moms out there had a great Mother's Day today.  We had perfect weather since we've been here. Everyone is enjoying it so much, it's been raining for weeks and sunshine has helped boost everyone's spirits. 

We went to church this morning to hear my sister Doris sing in a quartet. She's been getting the songs ready since we told her we were coming a few months ago. She did a beautiful job and I was very proud of her.

Brian, Dean, Doris, Michelle

When we got back to the house Doris's husband Herman fixed us omlets for brunch.  It was very yummy!  

We sat outside on the patio for a good part of the afternoon enjoying the sunshine. This is one place where I don't get a good connection on my phone, except outside on the patio.  So I took the opportunity to catch up on emails and play a little Words with Friends.  Herman decided to do some fishing at the small lake on their property.  He came back with a big catfish.  He's been after this big one for quite some time.

We were going to go to a Mexican restaurant for dinner, but when he caught this big one we decided to stay home and have catfish for dinner instead.

So this is what we had for dinner, along with baked potatos and some strawberry dessert left from yesterday.

I also tried my hand at fishing and caught several bluegills. Just about every time I casted, I brought one up.  Now that's great fishing!

After all the cleaning up was done, Doris and I played the harmonica.  Doris and mom both know the piano so we did some playing around. It was a great evening!

I called Jim back home and he's been busy re-loading all the software on my laptop, the one we just had Windows 7 installed on.  He said it's going ok.  He also took a walk today down to the main part of the fairgrounds and walked around the flea market.  We miss each other.

Tomorrow mom and I leave to fly back to NC.  We get back late in the evening, so I'll get a quick blog done and on Tuesday I'll catch up with more pictures and more details.  Thanks for coming to St. Louis with me and we'll see you tomorrow night back in Raleigh.


GGuncle said...

nice fish! both of them... dom...

Kathy said...

What a fun day! There's nothing better than fresh caught fish! Yum! I know what you mean by missing each other... Have a safe flight.

squawmama said...

Sounds like a perfect time...
Have fun & Travel safe

Ivey said...

Have a good flight.

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...