Friday, April 1, 2011

Mystery of the (Too) Smart Phone

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 78 Lo 57 -- At exactly 5am there was a ding, then loud radio voices.  I woke up and sat straight up in bed. I had no idea what was going on. I woke Jim up because I realized it was coming from the living room.  It was loud and annoying.  Jim plays with electronics all the time so I figured it was something he set by mistake. He got up to check it out and discovered it was the FM radio on his Droid smart phone. But he had no idea how or why it came on. None of the alarm settings were on, nor were any of them set to 5am. He turned it off, but I didn't get back to sleep until 8 or after then I got up at 10.  Jim checked into it more after he got up and never did figure out what caused it. Very strange! He's turning his phone off tonight.

After our morning routine, Jim did the laundry and I cleaned the RV. We're getting ready for Wednesday's move so I wanted to dust and get the floors cleaned. I'll probably have to do it again on Tuesday, but at least I'm keeping up with it. We also had a wonderful Skype video chat with our son Rick and grandsons Jack and Joey in Illinois. Skype is the greatest thing ever invented for grandparents. :)

When Jim got back from the laundry, I went grocery shopping.  I wanted little things so I thought I'd try the Dollar General.  They had some of the same things I get in the grocery store but for a lot less, so I bought more than I had planned.

When I got back I noticed our neighbors Dan and Gail were sitting outside. They're leaving after we do and they're going west, so we sat under their awning and talked for a couple hours. Jim joined us after a little while, and suddenly it was time for dinner. We made plans with Dan and Gail to go out to dinner at one of the local places tomorrow evening, and then we came home and I made some lasagna. After dinner while Jim did the dishes (yep, he does dishes too) I went out to see if the alligator was by the culvert. I didn't see him, but I did see a barn owl. He's been around the last couple nights.  He watched me but didn't seem to mind me being around. I was right below him to take his picture.  (click to make larger).
We settled in for the evening to watch some recorded TV shows.

Florida trivia:  Orlando attracts more visitors than any other amusement park destination in the United States.

4 days till we head North.


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

I think barn owls have such sweet little faces.

Really like that beach photo!

Scary about the radio on the phone. Makes you wonder if they can listen in to what you're doing with all this technology.

Anonymous said...

I think one of my cousins lives on that island. Lucky duck!


Gypsy said...

You probably have a couple of little elves living with you, and they decided to play a trick on you with the phone/radio.

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