Saturday, April 2, 2011

Park Almost Empty - Geocaching

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 84 Lo 60 -- Great morning, sunny and clear. Humidity was climbing but wasn't unbearable.

I went walking around and found four more RV's gone. One came in today but will be leaving tomorrow morning. Some of the folks in park models are busy getting ready to leave this next week. Storm shutters are being put up and storage sheds are being packed. It's really eerie walking around and how quiet it's getting.  It was that way in November when we got here.

Out our door looking toward Dan and Gail's Motorhome under the trees. 

Looking down our street

Only a few RV's left

Our home. Our neighbor behind us is on his roof doing some maintenance. 

We were going to do some geocaching before we leave, but we missed our chance with the cooler weather. The warmer temperatures bring out the of poison ivy, snakes and alligators in many of the areas that have caches.  We may try to find one along the way north if we have an opportunity. I'd like to get at least one in every state we visit this summer (and Canada). We have found a lot found in Florida, just not in this area.

We were playing around with Google Earth and notice they've updated the satellite info in this area. When we zoom in we can see our rig and truck, which is really cool. That means it's been updated since November.

Only four of us showed up to play shuffleboard.  All the players are packing up or have left. We watched some of the NASCAR Craftsman Truck race, then picked up Dan and Gail and went to a local restaurant, Paul's Kitchen. We had a great breakfast there a week or so ago. Tonight's dinner was just as good. Here's a strawberry angel food cake I had for dessert.
After dinner we dropped Dan and Gail off at their home and came home and settled in to watch the Carolina Hurricanes hockey game on TV.

Florida trivia:  Ft. Lauderdale is known as the Venice of America because the city has 185 miles of local waterways.

3 days till we leave to go north.


GGuncle said...

back in the '70's before GPS's; trying to find your way around Ft.Laud. was a job in itself. i usually ended up on a small penninsula surrounded on three sides with water. did a lot of backtracking back then. dom...

Margie and Roger said...

That's a great looking dessert. Our park is slowing losing people also - most will be gone by the end of April. I think we will enjoy the peacefulness we'll have during the month of May.

California Fires Continuing - Changes

 Shalimar, FL (Hi 70  Lo 47)  Humid and warm with freezing weather coming big changes The fires in California are still going on. I hope the...