Saturday, March 26, 2011

Visit From Thunder

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 86 Lo 62 -- I got up early to a lot of fog. Dave (aka Thunder in the RV-Dreams chat room) was due to arrive from Stuart, FL around 9:30 but got here at 10:45. With all the fog we were glad he made it here safely. While we were waiting, we had a visitor checking out our RV from the ladder. This is thru our rear window.

Dave has been part of our chat room for about three years. He decided in August to go full time. He sold his mobile home and moved into an Open Range  fifth wheel in September.

After he got set up he came over to our place and I made some blueberry pancakes for breakfast, and then we visited for awhile. We needed a few things for our cookout dinner so we made a quick Wal-Mart run.

We took Dave to our 2:00 shuffleboard game. He was a fast learner and (he says) he had a lot of fun learning the game and meeting some of our friends.

Dave and Jim

 Dave and Dee
After the game he invited us in to see his home. He has a big 55" TV (you could see Jim drool). We went home and Dave relaxed a bit before coming over at 5:00 to join us for grilled chicken breasts, baked potatoes, and vegetables.  After dinner the guys watched the end of a basketball game on TV then we showed Dave the clubhouse. We grabbed the bottle of wine Dave brought and went over to Gail and Dan's for a happy hour.

Dave, Dan and Gail
We visited till the mosquitos started to bite, and Dave was very tired from the trip and getting up early, so we said our good nights.  Thanks Dave for a great day. We'll see you in the morning.

Florida Trivia:  May 20, 1970 Florida lawmakers passed and sent to the Governor a bill adopting the moonstone as the official state gem. Ironically, the moonstone is not found naturally in Florida...nor was it found on the moon.

10 days left till we head North.


Anonymous said...

I purchased a 65" projection TV (Mitsibushi) from the GCF for $198.00 that works perfectly. Talk about a steal. The owners manual said the original MSRP was $5,500.00. Oh, I love that place! It is 1080i which is HD but the newer ones are 1080p. Just a slight difference. It works fantastic on TWC. Last week I found a brand new $600-800 recliner for $39 and a mahogony mantel clock that lists for $832 for $35. I have to stay out of there.

Liz in NC

Dan and Gail said...

Really enjoyed the visit. Good Luck to Dave in his fulltiming adventures.

New Temperatures - Bowling Party - California Fires

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 50   Lo 37) The week started out weather wise with tornadoes, then cold and hard frost back to warm and windy now more st...