Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Trip to Tampa – Parksdale Groves

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 80 Lo 55 --  We got up a bit early to get our blogs and news read then headed to Tampa.  Jim had an eye appointment at the VA clinic an hour and half from here.

We got there a half hour early but they took him right in. The place was packed and it was very cold so I went to the car to stay warm and read and play Angry Birds on my Droid. The time passed quickly, and finally Jim came out with a new eyeglasses prescription and a new pair of glasses on order.

We heard about  the famous strawberry shortcake at Parkesdale Groves in Plant City from Margie and Carolyn, so we headed there on the way home. They sell all kinds of Florida citrus and other fruit, but their specialty is their strawberry shortcake.
 Parksdale groves (Small)
The line was long but it goes really fast. They have the serving process down to a science. All you have to do is order by number and tell them if you want less than their huge amount of topping.
Parksdale groves (1) (Small)
The cake is already in cups and stacked and ready. (Excuse the quality of the next two photos, they were shot through a screen.)
stacked shortcake (Small)
Strawberries are put on top and then the ice cream (which is very smooth and rich), then whipped cream.
Parksdale groves (2) (Small)
This is the result.  As for the taste... Awesome! Very tasty (and filling).
Parksdale groves (3) (Small)

You can sit in the "Garden of Eatin'" and enjoy your cake and the beautiful flowers and decorations.
Parksdale groves (7) (Small)

Parksdale groves (6) (Small)

After we finished we did a little shopping. They have lots of fresh, locally grown vegetables and fruit, jellies and jams, and various plants.
Parksdale groves (4) (Small)

Parksdale groves (10) (Small)

Parksdale groves (11) (Small)

Parksdale groves (12) (Small)

Along the side of the building is a conveyor belt for sorting and cleaning the produce.
Parksdale groves (16) (Small)

Parksdale groves (15) (Small)

When we got home I visited with neighbors Dan and Gail till it was time for dinner. It was a productive day. Another medical appointment out of the way.

Florida trivia:  The area of the State covers 65,758 square miles.

21 Days til we head North


Gypsy said...

now I could enjoy that strawberry shortcake! looks yummy.

Margie and Roger said...

Glad you enjoyed the strawberry shortcake. Now, for next year, I've heard another good place for strawberry shortcake is inside the Strawberry Festival where you build your own!

SunshinecruiserTN said...

So glad you got to enjoy the shortcake. Noticed the migration has begun heading North.

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