Monday, February 28, 2011

Visit to an RV Couple, and a Very Special Visitor

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 88 Lo 63 – We had plans to go to Davenport this morning to see Margie and Roger, a couple we met when we went to the luncheon last month. They’re currently in Citrus Ridge RV Park in Davenport. It's a park with deeded lots that many of the owners rent out on a seasonal basis. We wanted to check it out as another option for next winter.

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After we got there Carolyn came over. She's a solo RV'er living in he same park. Margie and Carolyn gave us a tour of the park on Margie's golf cart, then we all went out to lunch. Thank you Roger, Margie and Carolyn for a great afternoon. Here they are with their dogs Buddy and Annie.
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We had a call yesterday from Jim’s sister Sharon. She and her friend Jim were about two hours east of us in Jim's Bounder Class A motor home. Today they made a reservation in our park and were here and set up by the time we got home around 4:30. They happened to get a site right across the street from us. It’s great having them here for the next couple days. We were stuffed from our late lunch, but they were hungry so we took them to our favorite local diner, Gloria's in nearby Bowling Green.
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Jim and Sharon
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Their Fleetwood Bounder.
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After we got back from dinner we sat outside for a while and enjoyed the wonderful warm evening, then Sharon joined us for some TV and conversation while Sharon's Jim returned to his rig for the night. All in all a wonderful day, and we're looking forward to more fellowship tomorrow.

36 days left to head North

1 comment:

Carol Kerr said...

What a great day of socializing! Enjoy the rest of your visit

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