Thursday, February 24, 2011

Discovery's Last Flight - Jam Session

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 86 Lo 63 -- It's so nice in the mornings, so first thing we did was take a walk before it got too hot.  There's a lot of activity in the park in the morning.  People are outside reading in their lounge chairs, walking, riding bikes. It's very active around here.

I washed the car and Jim helped me put a coat of wax on it.  It's been months since I gave it a good cleaning. I met some new neighbors that just moved next door to us.  They're from Michigan and had to travel through some ice  to get here.

We've been waiting for weeks for the shuttle Discovery to go up, and with a few minute delay it went up a little before 5:00pm. It was neat seeing all the people outside in their chairs watching for it. Unfortunately it was cloudy in the direction of Cape Canaveral, which is 100 miles away, so we didn't get to see it.

After we ate dinner we went with our friends Gail and Dan to the Thursday night music jam session.  There  were a lot of people and it was a lot of fun.  This woman whistles, not the normal way through her lips, but with her tongue curled inside her mouth.  She says it takes 65 years of practice.  :)  She was very good!

The guys did some gospel songs, country songs, some 50's music, and some funny songs (like "Pass My Bowl of Butter Beans" sung to the tune of "Just A Closer Walk With Thee."  Hilarious!)

Several people come from different parks to join us.

It was a great day.  Its almost the end of February and looking into March we have a lot to get done before heading north in April.


Frerx Adventures said...

Dee, been dragging Ken over to my screen to enjoy your balloon pictures, but still not convincing him that's a fun thing to do!! It looks so cool but I think with a husband with problems with heights this just ain't happenin'!
Sounds like even your quiet days around the rig are lots of fun!
Hugs, C

Anonymous said...

Better check on the pollen before coming north. It is not out yet but will be soon. It was horrible last year and this year is even dryer.

squawmama said...

The jam session looked fun... I love that kind of stuff. Looks like yoou had a good day but to bad you didn't get to see the space shuttle...
Have fun & travel safe

Jeff said...

We had a group out looking for the shuttle as well here in Crystal River. We too couldn't see it because of clouds. But, that is my ONLY weather complaint.

LakeConroePenny,TX said...

Too bad about the clouds, I know you have been looking forward to seeing the launch.

I am glad that the CG is lively now, I know you were so bored when you first arrived there.

Were you tempting it to rain, by washing the car?

Happy Trails, Penny, TX

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...