Friday, February 25, 2011

Off to the Movies Again - The King's Speech

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 86 Lo 62 --  We did our walk, and picked up our monthly mail.  It's been piling up at our mail service, so decided to get it  sent to us.  We normally get it once or twice a month from  One interesting piece of mail we got was a bill from the Tampa Expressway Authority.  Florida has a new system of collecting tolls electronically, called Toll-by-Plate.  If you don't get one of their Sunshine Passes, which is a sensor you put on your windshield, they photograph your car on a camera and then send you a bill for the toll.  It even includes a photo of our car and the license plate as it went by the camera.  I guess it's cheaper to send thousands of bills in the mail than to keep toll booths open. If you don't pay, there's late fees charged and you can't get your license when it's renewal time without paying.  It has an option to pay online, which is what I'll do.

I video chatted with our son in Chicago for a while.  I tried to carry my laptop outside to show him our park, but I guess our web cam isn't suited for the bright sunshine; all he saw was a white screen.

We went to see the movie The King's Speech.  We wanted to see it before the Oscars on TV Sunday night.  I was prepared to be bored, but it was a great movie and I'm thinking it will take the Best Picture with no problem.  What a great acting job by Colin Firth.  It's close between it, True Grit, and The Social Network, but still think it will win it.  Sunday is the NASCAR race and the OSCARS, so I know where we'll be all day.

We decided to eat at a small Mexican restaurant next door to the theater.  This month we've eaten out so much that we've gone way over our food budget.  Next month we plan to eat out less.  Wonder why I keep saying that, but it never does get better?  :)

Those of you with smart phones, you may want to check out an app called Poynt.  Using your phone's GPS it finds restaurants, movies, gas stations, and concert/sports events close to your location.  It's great for traveling.

We got home just before dark.  It's another relaxing night watching recorded TV and on the chat to see where everyone is located.


Anonymous said...

Walmart has small frozen rolls of ground beef for $2.98 each that aren't bad and fit in the freezer easily. Just mix in some canned veges and you have an easy cheap meal for two. I usually get six or so at a time so I don't have to go out.

squawmama said...

Sounds like you had a great day... I love Colin Firth and hope he wins Best Actor... I also love Mexican food YUMMO!
Have fun & travel safe

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

We saw the King's Speech last weekend and loved it. I think you're right, it will be a big winner.

Kathy said...

I'll be in my easy chair too on Sunday after church watching Nascar for Robert (he's working) and the OSCARS. What a life!

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...