Monday, January 10, 2011

Trouble with Internet

(Wauchula, FL) -- Hi 76 Lo 58 - I had a lot of trouble getting or staying on the internet today.  Jim didn't so I took over his computer to write today's blog.  I hope nothing is wrong with my laptop.  It was very warm today, but also very windy.  But I'm not complaining, there's snow and ice all over the southeast.  Flights are cancelled again in Atlanta so another round of people are not getting to or from where they want to go.

Since I didn't get on the internet, I spent the entire day working with our photos on the back up external drive. I'm  still sorting and organizing, mainly by date.  I'm also deleting taking out anything that pertained to the research on RV's that we did from 2005-2009.

It rained for a very short time early this evening. I didn't even get out and walk today (but Jim did).  And believe it or not it's really hard to play shuffleboard when it's windy, so we skipped today. 

Overall, not much happened today to make the blog interesting.  We don't know yet what tomorrow holds.  Wednesday will be a preparation day for our three-day trip to the Tampa area to have our warranty work completed, and to attend the Florida RV Supershow.


Gypsy said...

I really like your header photo with the spanish moss draping the trees. Hope nothing is seriously wrong with your computer.

Ivey said...

Sounds like you had an average day in the life.

Our turn is coming.

Jeff said...

It's days like today that I appreciate being here in FL and watching the news of the weather in the rest of the south and what is headed to the northeast. I can handle some showers and a little wind. Weather forecast does look great for the SuperShow run in Tampa.

Merikay said...

I'm learning more about the national weather than I expected to. Before I would be aware of big storms, but not the day to day shifts. It has been an interesting year.

Kathy said...

You've inspired me once again! Purging pictures and backing up on the EHD is a good project for me to do while Robert is working. Thanks!

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