Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Outside Time

(Wauchula, FL) - Hi 81 Lo 64 -- What a gorgeous day. We were glad to have the breeze or it would have been too hot to be comfortable.

Last night I played another game of a different kind of shuffleboard.  It's a lot more challenging.

The object is to push your puck into the triangle without knocking down the pin, while at the same time knock your opponent's puck out. If you knock down the pin then you get minus 10.

Jim and I both did our walks.  We had plenty of sun and it was very nice. After that I went to the clubhouse for a couple hours and started another puzzle, while talking to others coming in and out. The card games start at 1:00 so I left for lunch then went shuffling with Jim.

We removed some of our window screens and washed them, and also cleaned the windows.  They were getting really dirty.

We sat outside a lot today and enjoyed the sun and breeze. Jim pulled out the grill and we had barbequed ribs for dinner.  Can it get any better?  We have plans for tomorrow, so follow along and see what we get into.


Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Sounds like another game I would not do well at :)

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

That kind of shuffleboard sounds a lot like curling.

Kathy said...

Sounds like big fun under the sun! :) k

Gin and Syl said...

Yep. It reminds me of curling too. Are you and Jim gonna be trying out for the Olympic co-ed team?

KarenInTheWoods said...

Ohhh my Queen of the Shuffleboard Courts... and all derivitives of the game. You are My Hero!

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

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