Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lunch With Escapees

(Wauchula, FL) -- Hi 81 Lo 54 - Boy are we loving this weather!  The nights are just cool enough for a very light blanket, and the days are right on the edge of our tolerance for keeping the air conditioning off.  Since our electricity is metered, we're loving the fact that we don't have to run the a/c.  (Our propane usage has dropped too, what with the mild overnight temps.)

Dee usually writes the blog and I do the editing, but she's over at the clubhouse this evening enjoying some bluegrass music.  My Carolina Hurricanes are playing the NY Rangers on TV, so I decided to stay home and root them on and write today's entry at the same time.

The residents of the Escapees SKP Resort down the road have a monthly lunch at a smorgasbord restaurant in Sebring.  We're on the waiting list for a permanent lot at the resort (the waiting list is 8-9 years).  We thought we'd join them for lunch today.  About 30-40 showed up.

They are a very friendly bunch, and they made us feel very welcome.  It was fun to talk with them, especially some who were on the road for 20-plus years before settling down at the SKP Resort.  The all-you-can-eat buffet was excellent! We met two couple that are full time and also retired military so we hit it off right away.

After lunch we stopped for a couple of errands while in the "big city" of Sebring.  :)  Dee has been taking string art classes here at the park, and she's doing very well and enjoying it a lot.  We stopped at a Michael's so she could pick up some supplies for her new hobby.  Then we stopped at Camper Corral, an RV supply store in Sebring.  I'm looking for a solution to our wobbly rig.  We have the Big Foot leveling system, and the rear legs are only about a foot behind our rear wheels (necessary because they hang down too low, and if they were farther back they might drag when going uphill).  That leaves a lot of overhang back to the rear of the rig, and it bounces a little when we walk around.  We're used to it and it doesn't really bother us, but I'm looking for a fix anyway.  I picked up a couple of jack stands at Camper Corral that I thought would work, but when we got home I discovered they don't jack up high enough.  Oh well, I'll return them and keep looking.  Camping World has a set that extends much higher, so I might bite the bullet and order them online.

After our big lunch, we just snacked for dinner.  Dee went to hear some pickin' and grinnin' and I watched my Canes (3-0 Hurricanes after two periods... Go Canes!).  Just another day in paradise.

1 comment:

KarenInTheWoods said...

How nice that Jim takes over the blog once in a while!

That Dee, little Miss Socialite, buzzing all over doing her string thing, her shuffleboard, her visiting... leaving her poor hubby to pick up the slack with the blog writing, oh my!


Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

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