Thursday, January 27, 2011

Movie Day

(Wauchula, FL) - Hi 60 Lo 45  --   Nice sunny day with a cool breeze. The days are finally getting longer. We didn't have any plans for today, so we decided to drive to Sebring to see a movie.

The Oscars are coming out soon and one of the nominees for best picture is Black Swan. We've heard a lot about it and thought this is a good time to see it. I wasn't totally impressed, but Jim really liked it. Natalie Portman did a great acting job as a ballet dancer slowly going mad. We saw her on a talk show and she said she had to lose 20 pounds to play the role. She did a good job.

After the movie, we stopped by Books a Million just to browse around. I'm always drawn to the Guinness Book of Records.  It's a huge book so I look through part of it every time we go into a book store. People are doing more bizarre things every year just to be entered in the book.

Jim suggested Chinese for dinner, so we pulled over and did a search on our GPS to find the nearest restaurant.  It was a buffet only three miles up the road.  Good food, and I got a lot of shrimp.  We're still planning to get to Punta Gorda soon, down by Ft. Myers, for some great seafood.

We got back home just as the sun was setting and it was getting cooler.  Temperatures should be around 70 the rest of the week.


KarenInTheWoods said...

In our younger years it was "Dinner and a Movie"

... now that we get older, it's the "Movie first, then Dinner"!

So we get the matinée price and then dinner and then home to bed early cause we are old farts?

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

KarenInTheWoods said...

In our younger years it was "Dinner and a Movie"

... now that we get older, it's the "Movie first, then Dinner"!

So we get the matinée price and then dinner and then home to bed early cause we are old farts?

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

John and Carol said...

If you haven't seen it already, be sure to add to your Oscar list "The Kings Speech". It is excellent and a true story.

Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.  This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is to...