Friday, January 28, 2011

A Day of History - Meeting and Greeting

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 69 Lo 46 --  I don't normally say anything about anything besides what we do, but today is special. Twenty-five years ago the space shuttle Challenger exploded.  It was a very emotional time for us. I worked at NASA back in the 70's on the Challenger team as a computer operator. I can't believe it's been this long, but it's one of those events when you remember where you were and what you were doing when it happened.  I wonder if this week's unrest in the Middle East will be one of those events? It's a sad time we're living in, and it seems like the world is in a fragile state.

We both walked the park today, but neither of us saw any new RV's around. There's still the same open spaces that were around since the last time we walked it.   The wind was chilly but the sun was bright and warm.  We both played shuffleboard for the first time in about a week. There are 16 playing positions for each game, and Jim and I played opposite each other for two games in a row, strictly by luck of the draw.  We each won a game, so there's still peace in the family.  :)

After shuffleboard I went to the clubhouse to see what puzzle was out.  One was started and almost done, so I  put in a few pieces and while I was there a few people came in to ask about the park and what there was to do, all the amenities,  and general questions.  They were just passing through to see what they may do for next winter.  It was nice to be on the "answering" side of questions instead of the "asking" side for a change.  I also met other couples who are staying here a week or two and moving on to other areas of Florida. None of the couples were full timers, just snowbirds staying in Florida for the winter to escape their snowy homes in the north.

It's another chilly night, but the days are warming up little by little.  We're doing just fine in our little part of paradise.


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

I remember the explosion. I had stayed home from work sick that day. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The world definitely seems to be going downhill. I wonder what kind of world our grandchildren will have to live in.

Kathy said...

I agree that this world is in a fragile state. So many events are happening around the world, as well as all around us. It brings me to my knees and reminds me of the verse in 2 Chronicles that God will heal our land if we will turn to Him. Just my belief.
Enjoy your little piece of paradise.

Karen and Al said...

We also remember Challanger very well. We could see the trail from our house.

I'm also concerned about the state of the world and I think Kathy is right. We all need to say prayers.

KarenInTheWoods said...

OH I remember exactly where I was, (getting ready for work) when I saw it on TV. It hit home for a whole group of kids in Green Bay on the anniversary, as one of our elementary schools is named after Christine MacAuliff.

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

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