Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fun, Fun, Fun - Time for Change

(Wauchula, FL) -- Hi 81 Lo 54 -  Happy New Year everyone! It was a beautiful day, just a few clouds and a nice warm breeze.  We had a lot of fun at the New Year's party last night. I haven't laughed that much in years. There was Karaoke, dancing and lots of socializing. We met several new friends, and although some people left early, most of the crowd managed to make it to midnight.

We were instructed to bring a gag gift for a special game. Everyone was given one of the gifts and then formed a circle.  The DJ read a story that included a lot of instances of the terms "left" and "right."  Whenever we heard either left or right in the story, we had to pass our gift in that direction. It got pretty hot and hectic with the passing getting faster and faster, and some people ended up with several gifts and some didn't have any. It was a lot of fun, but everyone ended up with a gift at the end.  Jim's gift was a box of "coal," which were chocolates.

We turned on the clubhouse TV to watch the ball come down in NY.
It was a great night, and after helping with the cleanup I came back to the RV and we got to bed around 1:30am.  

Here's something we're not used to seeing... lawn mowing in December.  The grass is very green around here.
This morning my sis called and we did a three way call to mom. She loves being able to talk with both of her daughters at the same time.  After breakfast I worked on our 2010 budget close out, and finalizing our 2011 budget.

At 1:00 we went to the clubhouse for a lunch of ham & bean soup and cornbread. We met a snowbird couple from South Carolina who live here during the winter in a travel trailer.  It's great hearing where people have been for their Christmas. The events calendar for January is full of things to do. We're gearing up in places to go and things to get accomplished this month. Only two more RV's pulled in today. It's the start of a wonderful year, 1/1/11.

As you can see I made some changes to the appearance of the blog. My intent is to start the blog with a photo of one of our favorite places from our past travels. I'll change the photo each month.  Please leave a comment and give me some honest feedback.  I can always change it back.  


owensontheroad said...

I like your new picture, good idea! I know I get tired of our header pic, so change it up every once in awhile too.

Mike and Terri said...

Love the new picture idea. It also gives us all an idea of new places to travel to that we may never have been to.

Along the Way with JnK said...

Love the new photo and the changes. We never change our photo on our blog or of ourselves, but we always add more photos all the time to our blog and Picasa Albums.

Jeff said...

The "new" look is clean and very sharp. I like it very much. It is a contemporary look. I'll look forward to the header picture changes.

Jenny Johnson said...

That doesn't look like my lawn mower ---that's a John Deere!!

Larry and Cindy said...

The new look of your blog is great. Changing the heading photo is a good idea and I must try to do the same with ours.

Want to wish you both a Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Dee. I love the new picture. I have always enjoyed seeing the Spanish moss hanging from the trees when we lived in the south. May the new year bring you lots of joy and excitement as you travel the roads. Lessie (TARDIS)

Ivey said...

I like the new look. Maybe I will do the same with mine once we are on the road.

Happy New Year to you both.

KarenInTheWoods said...

Yup, the new pic idea is a good one! Judy and Emma does that too.

That lawn cutting sure looks nice! Beats snow shoveling all to heck-----

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

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