Friday, December 31, 2010


(Wauchula, FL -- Hi  81 Lo 49)  It was a warm morning.  As we completed our daily walks we enjoyed watching all the new RV's coming into the park.  We've got quite a few new neighbors on our row.  We've met a few of them already, and we're looking forward to meeting more of them at the New Year's Eve party tonight. It's going to be a great time.  People here are so friendly, and it will be a good opportunity to continue to learn everyone's name.

I went to another string art class. It's fun learning the different stitches to get different designs. I didn't finish today, because I had to leave a little early to play shuffleboard. I'll finish it later.  I need to get needles and paper.  This is something that will be fun, and will give me something to do besides stay on the computer so much.

We kept track of the storms in the midwest. There were tornadoes in Illinois where our son lives, and he sent us a couple of text messages today about them.  He works as a news producer for the NBC TV station in St. Louis, and he said it's the worst he's seen in awhile. We hope everyone in that area of the country makes it through the storms ok.

It was very warm out so Jim decided to grill our dinner tonight.  I had to include this photo for our northern friends.

Tonight we're going to the clubhouse for the New Year's Eve Party.  We wish everyone a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!  We thank you so much for following along with us here in paradise.


Jessica Riker said...

Well, your northern friends are so grateful to see that nice barbeque picture - so appreciate seeing what we're missing!! LOL Wish we were there!! :) Really!!!

Nancy and Bill said...

Happy New Year to you both!!!

Please keep that warm weather around for us as we head south next Friday.

Hope to see you at the Tampa Show.

Merikay said...

Happy New Year to you as well. May all your travels be smooth.

Vera said...

Happy New Year to both of you. Hopefully it will be a great year.

Debbie Goode said...

The folks here in the wild west are freezing too....low of 29 tonight. I swear that dang cold weather follows us everywhere we go. Oh, guys have a Great New Year!

Jeff said...

May the two of you have a Healthy and happy New Year!

Mike and Terri said...

Happy New Year Jime and Dee,
Terri and I really enjoy reading about your daily activities.
Take care and have a wonderful year.

Gail Houle said...

Happy New Year to you both. The grill picture was inviting :) We had a day in the 60's though, so did the same thing here. Hope it lasts till we leave next week! And hope yours stays warm for the remainder.

GGuncle said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both & all that are dear to you. We had a heatwave up here in W.N.Y. Temp this morning was in the 50's,all my snow is gone. hope i dont have to drag out the lawnmower. ha ha. dom...

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...