Monday, December 13, 2010

At the Dealer- Lazy Days RV, Tampa, FL

 (Tampa, FL) – We got up so early that I got to see a sunrise.  I never understood why sunrises are so special... they look just like sunsets, only in the opposite direction. :)

We were hooked up and on the road by 7:15 headed to Lazy Days RV in Tampa to have our refrigerator fixed under a recall, and to have a few other things taken care of under warranty. The traffic wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but a little heavier than normal with people going to work. We got to the dealer right at our scheduled time of 9:00.  Within minutes we were met by Shawn, our service manager.  We discussed and agreed on what was to be done.  He understood that we were going to drop off the RV and leave it, but we assured him we told them we were going to wait on it.  It really didn't matter because it would take at least two days anyway.  They have to contact Carriage and get authorization to do the warranty work, and that rarely happens in one day, especially Monday.  So we said goodbye to Tumbleweed for the day.

We were very hungry so we went next door to the dealer to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  The rest of the morning we drove around the area.  We stopped by an Airstream dealer.  Jim likes Airstreams, and this dealer had about 30 of them on their lot.  They're nice and very luxurious looking, but I couldn't imagine living in one full time.  There's not much storage in them.  We then came across Tampa East RV Resort, which is a very large and really nice park.  We got some information about their rates, and we may consider it for next winter.  It's a great location, so close to the Tampa Bay area. 

We went back to Lazy Days and spent a couple of hours wandering their lot looking at new units of all shapes and sizes.  It was like attending an RV show.  :)  Early in the afternoon I called Jackie.  She's the one, along with her hubby Tony, that we visited this past Saturday.  She's only about four miles from Lazy Days, so we went over to her place and sat and talked for a couple of hours.  (Tony was at w**k.)  Jim called Shawn at 4:30 to find out the status.  The work on the refrigerator was done.  But as expected, they're waiting to get clearance from Carriage to do the warranty work.  So we were told that after 5pm we can go to our home (in Bay #109) to spend the night.  After we went to dinner we drove around to the service area and drove up and down the rows until we found #109.

Really nice setting, eh?  :)  When we got there a technician was finishing up greasing our wheel bearings.  We got the slides out and turned on the heat.  It never got out of the 40's today, and it was very windy.  It's supposed to get down to the 20's tonight.  But we're comfy in our recliners, with our TV and laptops.  Our rooftop antenna is bringing in most of the Tampa stations.  So tomorrow it will be more waiting.  Shawn told us if they finish up too late for us to make it back to Wauchula by dark, we can stay here one more night.  We'll see.  Until then, just another day in paradise... a cold, windy paradise.


Freely Living Life said...

A cold, windy paradise indeed! I can't believe it's getting down to 33F here (Cape Canaveral, FL) tonight! :( This isn't a complaint but merely an observation. lol But cold or not I agree with you....."it's still our paradise here in Florida."

Here's to hoping they complete your warranty work swiftly tomorrow so that you can have that done and behind you. At least you are protected from these crazy winds....all cozy in the repair bay of Lazy Days. :) We are feeling the occasional sway in our 5th wheel at the moment!

Stay warm! =0)

Angie & Family

KarenInTheWoods said...

Awwww you guys look so cozy there tucked in your little cave! Better than being out in the cold---

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

Carol Kerr said...

I was thinking at least you're out of the wind!

Did you get a chance to check out any of the Country Coach MH's they are supposed to have on their lot? Did you find us a good deal???

Hope you are back in the sunshine tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dee,

I've been reading your blog for just a little over a year. We are fulltimers.....since November 2009 and we fulltime in an Airstream! You said you didn't know if you could because of storage space. We have a vintage 31' and seem to have plenty of space. We have more closet space than most RV's. I think the only thing that I would like larger is the the refrig! I have friends who fulltime in 25' foot Airstreams and love it and met a couple who fulltime in a 22' Airstream. Not sure how they do that....a little extreme to me.

We were at Hanna Park in Mayport when you all were at the Naval Station. We wanted to meet you all but had a busy schedule while we were there. Maybe next time.

Travel safe and hopefully we will see you down the road.


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 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...