Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cool Day for Central Florida - TV Day

(Wauchula, FL) - It was on the cold side last night, but we had the heat pump on so we were comfortable all night. The wind was blowing most of the day; the temperature was 66, but with the wind it felt a lot colder.

I went out for shuffleboard at 2:00 but it was too windy and chilly, and they had enough players so I did a brisk walk around the park and came back in the RV.

Next summer we plan to travel to Canada.  Today I worked on the route for awhile. The biggest challenge will be to find RV parks in the distances we want to stop. I'm glad we have plenty of time to work on it. I think it's fun planning and picking out what might be a good place to stay. Jim is a lot better at it, so he'll do the final planning.

All day today the RV creaked and cracked from the wind, heat, and cold. It's still something that I haven't got use to. At least I quit jumping when it happens.  I also read blogs today and played games on Facebook.  I'm so glad to have the internet, it sure can pass the day.  I think it will be warmer tomorrow.

Today was grass mowing day in the park.  I went out and moved our vehicles so he could cut the grass around us. The grass has been brown, but the rain a couple of days ago really helped green things up.  They keep the place looking nice.

All in all a very slow, uneventful day.


Gail Houle said...

Uneventful is usually a good thing :) Nice to have a down day occasionally. It keeps you rested up for all the other ones! :)

Vera said...

I am sure Canada will greet you warmly. What part of Canada are you thinking of? Of course I am partial to the Westcoast ☺

Anonymous said...

It took me about a year to get used to all of the sounds...inside & outside. I was awake a lot during the night listening to make sure no one was stealing the truck (we have a 5th wheel) or getting into our outside cabinets :)) I finally got ear plugs & a fan (which also helps with the hot flashes!) Now I don't hear the noises. Actually I don't even notice how the RV rocks with the washing machine or the wind. And I got used to the light coming in the skylight in the shower while we were in Alaska for the the light doesn't bother me.
Have you seen any stink bugs lately?
Enjoy Fl.
Debbie Keller

Jessica Riker said...

It's been cool here too - highs in the 40s!! At least we haven't seen any of that white stuff yet.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

I was looking forward to warmer temps in FL. Cold and windy is not good news.

But I trust it will still be warmer than here in north GA, where we had a low of about 25 last night.

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