Saturday, August 7, 2010

Jack’s Birthday Party

(Fair Oaks, IN) –  Jim again tried to get our propane tank filled this morning and this time mission was accomplished.  We’re set for another few months.  The last time we filled up was April, so now we know that with a few hours on the generator plus all the cooking we can go for a few months before one tank runs out.  (We have two tanks.)
We headed out to son Rick's about 11:00.  We stopped at Portillo's to pick up a chocolate cake for grand son Jack's birthday party.  It’s the best chocolate cake around.  When we got there we played games with Jack, and Laura and I went for the  groceries, then waited for the guests to arrive.  By 3:30 most of them were there and we had a grand time.  We had a great dinner of steaks, burgers, and hot dogs.  For dessert we had birthday cake and ice cream. 

Rick did a masterful job on the grill, and Jim supervised.

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The kids had a lot of fun running around the back yard and playing lawn golf. 

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Here's the birthday boy blowing out his 5 candles and opening his gifts.

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Jack got a set of golf clubs. What a great idea for a five year old!  Rick is a golfer so he knows how to teach him what to do.  Jack caught on quick and hit the ball with every swing.  Do we have another Tiger Woods on our hands?

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Our whole family:
Back row: Jim, Rick, Dee. Middle row: Ellice, Laura. Front row:  Joey, Jack.
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We made it back home after 10 and like last night, we sat back and relaxed.  Thanks Rick and family for a wonderful day.  We’ll see you soon from Indiana Dunes State Park.


Gypsy said...

Looks like a fun day!

Connie and Rod said...

What a absolutely wonderful day for Jack and everyone else!


Sam&Donna Weibel said...

We love birthday parties such good family fun and the kid's always have a good time, be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

smdrm said...

What a great looking family. Glad you're getting to spend so much time with them. We're seeing our kids over the next month also.


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