Friday, July 30, 2010

Visit From Good Friend Jeff

Jeff, our close friend from NC arrived around 12:30. He flew into Indianapolis and is driving to Warsaw, IN on business and he took a detour to stop by to catch us up on things back home.  We took a walk around the park, then went to Merrillville for lunch.  Of course we had to introduce him to Culver's and their Butterburgers.  :)  With hugs and "see you laters" he departed for Warsaw and we returned home. Thanks Jeff for coming by, it meant a lot to us.  And give wife Bobbie a big hug for us!

My tenderloin sandwich from Culver's.  I get it every time we go.

It was very dreary and cloudy most of the afternoon. We had a sprinkle but the radar showed we should have a downpour of rain. That may happen later tonight.

We've had Delorme Street Atlas on or PC's for a couple of years with the intention of using it for some of our trip planning but, to be honest we haven't used it much because it's really complicated to use.  We're looking into the other mapping software, Streets and Trips.  It seems like most of the RV'ers we talk to use Streets and Trips, and the research we've done seems to indicate it's easier to use.  If anyone has any experience with either one, or both, please leave a comment or send us an email.  Our email address is listed under the blog picture above.

The rest of the afternoon was devoted to watching the "weekenders" coming in the park.  Quite a few this week, all shapes and sizes.  This park is so quiet during the week, but things pick up on Fridays and we get more people around us.  We like that we get the best of both worlds... quiet solitude during the week and action and socializing on the weekends.


Prettypics123 said...

Isn't it great to have a friend(s) meet up with you on the road? I love it. I know what you mean about the quiet weekdays and the busy weekends at the campgrounds. It is a nice combination isn't it?

Gypsy said...

Love those quiet campground days!

Sorry I can't help you with mapping software, and I am a paper map, hold-it-in-your-hand kind of person, although if I want up close directions in a city I just look at Mapquest and let my GPS find the address. Good luck with whatever you decide to get - I have heard lots of RVers speak well of MS Streets & Trips.

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Why don't you just use Google maps? It's free!

Tumbleweed Dee said...

To answer Sandra> we have to be online to use google. We may wait to get the Droid in December when we can upgrade. That will solve the whole thing. Thanks Sandra for the idea.

Unknown said...

I've used Street Atlas for the last 5 versions. I prefer it because you can have many routes active on one map. I find this useful for planning routes and then I can hide or remove the routes I don't need. Also, you can add several files of notes (markers, waypoints) and hide one or more at any time. MS Streets and Trips allowed only one route per map. Street Atlas takes time to learn, but it is very powerful.

RV Khronicles of Kevelyn said...

Thanks for the picture of the tenderloin sandwich. It looks great. We've had Culver's in Wisconsin for a long time; I think it originated here. It's funny; I've never eaten their food; just custard. I'm going to have to try that sandwich.

We just got Streets and Trips. I've planned our first trip on it. It was easy to use. I really like the fact that you can look up campgrounds within a certain radius of your stopping points. I'm sure I still have much to learn, but my first impression was very good.

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