Monday, July 26, 2010

No Motivation

(Fair Oaks, IN) – It was very cool over night, down to the low 60's.  We left the A/C on automatic, but it didn’t come on till later this the morning.  Today it got up to only 82 with low humidity, so life is good weatherwise.

This is an interesting root pattern from an up-rooted tree.  It's so old that all the dirt is gone from it.
 IMG_5425 (Small)
Neither of us was motivated today.  We had thought about going geocaching, but once I started trying to learn things on the computer, I didn’t want to go anywhere.  I wanted to add a map to our blog of all the parks we've stayed at. Just a quick way to follow us from the time we started out in March. I couldn’t get it to work.  I got the bright idea of looking up in  So I did a search of "How to add google maps in blogs."  It came back with several tutorials and videos, so now on the right side of this page you see our map of states and the routes we took.  I’ll add to it as we move around.
With that accomplished, I read blogs for a few hours catching up with everyone.  My next project is to find a better way file our photos so we can find them.  I have hundreds of them, and a lot of them are duplicates because I’m so afraid of losing them, so after another Google search I’m working on trying to figure out the best way to organize them.  It’s an ongoing project.  I'm still not happy with the way I have them filed.  We both decided to walk a bit around the park.  The park owner cut some branches off a tree that’s leaning against our roof.  Overall, a lazy day.  We’re loving this retirement thing... just do what you want when you want to do it.

1 comment:

Karen and Al said...

Good job on the map. I have wondered how to do those, but since we never go anywhere, I have no reason to work on one for our blog. :)

I'm so jealous of your weather. We went for a walk this morning at 7am, temperature was 75, but the humidity was so high that it was miserable. Enjoy your wonderful weather!

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