Sunday, July 4, 2010

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY --- Family Time (Scott AFB, IL)

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY AMERICA.....Please remember only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you ...JESUS CHRIST and the AMERICAN SOLIDER. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom. GOD BLESS THE USA

We joined our son and family this morning at a special service at their church saluting our military.  It was overflowing with people and they had one of the best programs we've ever seen.  A choir and symphonic band played and sang patriotic songs.  During a medley of each service's song one member of each branch was on stage in uniform, and as each service's song was played all the current and past members of that service in the audience stood up.  Jim very proudly stood up during the Air Force Song.  The sermon was given by a Navy chaplain, and he did a wonderful job.  The choir ended the service by singing a beautiful version of  "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," and by the end there wasn't a dry eye in the place.  

We went back home for the afternoon to get last minute preparations done for moving tomorrow morning.  Then early evening we went back to Frank's to party with them at the city park for their church picnic.  

We had dinner of burgers and chips.  The band which we enjoyed so much this morning at church played some more patriotic music, which was excellent.

The kids played at the playground.  Kyle doing some rock climbing.

Kendall on the ladder

After dinner and the concert it was swimming at the city pool for an hour.  Frank with Kyle and Kendall. 

Kyle in front is watching his brother Kendall jump off the diving board for the first time.  Kendall can't swim but he's not afraid of the water, so it won't be long he'll be swimming like a fish.

We had a wonderful time with our family. We had to say goodbye for this year, which wasn't easy.  We'll be back next year in the fall to see their sports.

 From left to right: Angie, Kendall, Frank, Kyle, Dee, Jim

Thank you kids for a wonderful visit... see you next year!


Vera said...

Bon Voyage and hope you have good weather and a safe trip.

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

What a great finish for a great visit with family, Hope you guys have a good and trouble free trip east, We will be heading east to Cinicinatti for a week the 17th,keep us posted on how you are doing and we look forward to seeing you guys again. be safe oput there, Sam & Donna.

KarenInTheWoods said...

I am so glad you had all this time with your grandkids. I know that was such a big part of your fulltiming decision... to be able to spend lengths of time with them, rather than short vacation stays.

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

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